Re: [PATCH] 2.5.21 kill warinigs 14/19

Martin Dalecki (
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 10:07:43 +0200

Użytkownik Ingo Oeser napisał:
> On Mon, Jun 10, 2002 at 01:45:27PM +0200, Martin Dalecki wrote:
>>irlap_frame this time. Let me guess they used emacs?!
> The better way to solve this is to include:
> /*
> * Overrides for Emacs so that we follow Linus's tabbing style.
> * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
> * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
> * of the file.
> * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Local variables:
> * c-indent-level: 8
> * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
> * c-brace-offset: -8
> * c-argdecl-indent: 8
> * c-label-offset: -8
> * c-continued-statement-offset: 8
> * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
> * End:
> */
> at the end of each file these people who cannot use their editor touch.
> That's how I solved it with my own team mates ;-)

And it's the best way to annoy everybody who know how to use a proper
programmers editor, aka gvim, too... This is becouse it doesn't
show how to hightlight trailing white space garbage. (Hint GVIM
handles it beautifully :-)

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