RE: Question about sched_yield()

Richard B. Johnson (
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 16:08:28 -0400 (EDT)

On 18 Jun 2002, Robert Love wrote:

> On Tue, 2002-06-18 at 12:11, David Schwartz wrote:
> > I'm sorry, but you are being entirely unreasonable.
> No, sorry, you are. Listen to everyone else here.
> > If you didn't mean to burn the CPU in an endless loop, WHY DID YOU?
> It is not an endless loop. Here is the problem. You have n tasks. One
> type executes:
> while(1) ;
> the others execute:
> while(1)
> sched_yield();
> the second bunch should _not_ receive has much CPU time as the first.
> This has nothing to do with intelligent work or blocking or picking your
> nose. It has everything to do with the fact that yielding means
> "relinquish my timeslice" and "put me at the end of the runqueue".
> If we are doing this, then why does the sched_yield'ing task monopolize
> > You should never call sched_yield in a loop like this unless your intent is
> > to burn the CPU until some other thread/process does something. Since you
> > rarely want to do this, you should seldom if ever call sched_yield in a loop.
> But there are other tasks that wish to do something in these examples...
> > But your expectation that it will reduce CPU usage is just plain wrong. If
> > you have one thread spinning on sched_yield, on a single CPU machine it will
> > definitely get 100% of the CPU. If you have two, they will each definitely
> > get 50% of the CPU. There are blocking functions and scheduler priority
> > functions for this purpose.
> If they are all by themselves, of course they will get 100% of the CPU.
> No one is saying sched_yield is equivalent to blocking. I am not even
> saying it should get no CPU! It should get a bunch. But all the
> processes being equal, one that keeps yielding its timeslice should not
> get as much CPU time as one that does not. Why is that not logical to
> you?
> The original report was that given one task of the second case (above)
> and two of the first, everything was fine - the yielding task received
> little CPU as it continually relinquishes its timeslice. In the
> alternative case, there are two of each types of tasks. Now, the CPU is
> split and the yielding tasks are receiving a chunk of it. Why? Because
> the yielding behavior is broken and the tasks are continually yielding
> and rescheduling back and forth. So there is an example of how it
> should work and how it does. It is broken.
> There isn't even really an argument. Ingo and I have both identified
> this is a problem in 2.4 and 2.5 and Ingo fixed it in 2.5. If 2.5 no
> longer has this behavior, then are you saying it is NOW broken?
> Robert Love

Lets put in some numbers.

for(;;) Task 0

for(;;) Task 1

I will assume that scheduling takes 0 seconds and system calls
also take 0 seconds. This should be fair if I modify task 0 so
it does:

Which means both tasks make continuous system calls, which should
take, roughly, the same time.

Initial conditions has task B spinning for HZ time until preempted
so Task 0 starts up with HZ more time than Task 1. Task 1 now gets
the CPU. When Task 1 gets the CPU, it immediately gives it up, it
does not wait until it's preempted like task 0. Task 0 now gets the
CPU and keeps it for HZ time.

Clearly, task 0 should be getting at least HZ more CPU time than task 1.
And, yawn, it probably does! I just launched 400 of the following

int main(int c, char *argv[])

return c;

This is a dual CPU system. Top shows 184% system CPU usage and 14%
user CPU usage.

3:54pm up 23:30, 2 users, load average: 14.74, 8.08, 3.30
463 processes: 62 sleeping, 401 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 13.7% user, 186.3% system, 0.0% nice, 0.0% idle
Mem: 320720K av, 215816K used, 104904K free, 0K shrd, 11752K buff
Swap: 1044208K av, 1044208K used, 0K free 131732K cached
8627 root 18 0 208 208 172 R 0 15.6 0.0 0:31 xxx
8637 root 18 0 208 208 172 R 0 15.6 0.0 0:30 xxx
8638 root 18 0 208 208 172 R 0 15.6 0.0 0:30 xxx
8624 root 15 0 208 208 172 R 0 13.7 0.0 0:32 xxx
8629 root 15 0 208 208 172 R 0 13.7 0.0 0:31 xxx
8632 root 15 0 208 208 172 R 0 13.7 0.0 0:30 xxx
8626 root 15 0 208 208 172 R 0 12.7 0.0 0:31 xxx
8628 root 15 0 208 208 172 R 0 12.7 0.0 0:31 xxx
8633 root 15 0 208 208 172 R 0 12.7 0.0 0:30 xxx
8639 root 15 0 208 208 172 R 0 12.7 0.0 0:30 xxx
8625 root 14 0 208 208 172 R 0 11.7 0.0 0:32 xxx
8630 root 15 0 208 208 172 R 0 11.7 0.0 0:30 xxx
8634 root 14 0 208 208 172 R 0 11.7 0.0 0:30 xxx
8635 root 15 0 208 208 172 R 0 11.7 0.0 0:30 xxx
8636 root 15 0 208 208 172 R 0 11.7 0.0 0:30 xxx

The system is as responsive as ever even though there are all those
'CPU burners', each showing they take roughly 12 percent of the CPU.
Let's see 400 * 0.12 = 48 == accounting error, nothing more.

Dick Johnson

Penguin : Linux version 2.4.18 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).

Windows-2000/Professional isn't.

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