2.4.19-rc1 proc_get_inode Unresolved in /net/wan/comx.o

Jason Alexander (linux@cedar-astronomers.org)
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 15:44:58 -0500 (CDT)

Hello all,

I'm not typically a kernel hacker so if this has been answered someplace
else I'm sorry. I'm only doing this to get some ATA100 support for my
ide controller to fix some errors and disk corruption problems.

I did a build today of 2.4.19-rc1 and was moving along event free until I
got to make modules_install. I get the following errors.

find kernel -path '*/pcmcia/*' -name '*.o' | xargs -i -r ln -sf ../{} pcmcia
if [ -r System.map ]; then /sbin/depmod -ae -F System.map 2.4.19-rc1; fi
depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in /lib/modules/2.4.19-rc1/kernel/drivers/net/wan/comx.o
depmod: proc_get_inode

I did some searching in the archives and this seems to have been a problem
going back to 2.4.5 but don't see an answer to if this has been fixed.
I assume that since this is in the PCMCIA section of the kernel and I am
running a desktop machine that I can just disable PCMCIA and this might
go away but I have not tried that yet.

What would be the best way to proceed.


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