Re: searching for dell 2650 PERC3-DI driver

James Bourne (
Tue, 13 Aug 2002 08:02:28 -0600 (MDT)

On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Tom Sightler wrote:

> On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Jeff Chua wrote:
> > I'm buying a Dell PowerEdge 2650 and need to know where to get driver for
> > the RAID controller
> >
> >
> > Does anyone know what kind of network adaptor is on the board?
> The best place that I know of for information about ANY Dell server and
> Linux is at There are instructions there on
> how to get recent versions of the aacraid driver to recognize this card
> during boot, assuming a fairly recent distribution.
> The onboard network adapter is Broadcom NeXtreme Gigabit adapter. I believe
> this is supported in recent distributions/kernels by the tg3 driver and Dell
> provides binary drivers from Broadcom as well.

FYI, we do have this sytem up and running.

If it's a PERC3-DI, then the raid driver is the aacraid as this is the
ROMB raid, basically a firmware addon to the adaptec scsi on board (IIRC).
For PERC3-DC or PERC3-QC the driver is the AMI megaraid driver.

The tg3 driver included with 2.4.19 works for the Broadcom
NetXtreame BCM5701 (Broadcom 570x).

This system has the ServerWorks GC and is a P4 therefore hyperthreading
does work. 2.4.19 so far seems very stable, but to balance IRQs
across all the CPUs you will need Ingo Molnars IRQ balancing patches. His
patch, as applied to 2.4.19, can be found at

Also, remember to compile in support for IDE CD and the CSB5 IDE chipset.

This is the patch that I am currently testing on a single system.
With heavy load on the disk, memory, and CPU (~19 load average for the
past 3 days now) the system is still responsive and seems very stable.

I can send the .config I am currently using if you wish.

James Bourne

> Later,
> Tom
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James Bourne, Supervisor Data Centre Operations
Mount Royal College, Calgary, AB, CA

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