Re: 2.4.19 ext3 oops with file system damage - possible nfs and ext3 not playing nice together

Stephen C. Tweedie (
Fri, 30 Aug 2002 00:59:31 +0100


On Wed, Aug 28, 2002 at 02:51:12PM -0400, walt wrote:

> without any errors being reported. When I'd try gunzip the file from CD, I'd
> get CRC errors. I then tried mounting the ISO image and running gunzip and
> I'd get the same CRC errors.

That's usually a hardware or driver, not filesystem, problem. I've
had a couple of environments which have given data corruptions like
that on IDE drivers in UDMA mode but which were fine in MDMA or PIO

> no problems. All this was repeatable. I upgraded kernels from RedHat 7.3
> stock 2.4.18-3 to vanilla 2.4.19 and problem seemed to go away.

That can be just a matter of the config options used masking a driver
problem. Can you still reproduce with "ide=nodma"? That would
certainly point towards a driver or hardware fault.

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