Re: ARGH! (Is there an HTML archive for linux-kernel that patches
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 02:49:25 -0500 (EST)

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On Sun, 27 Oct 2002, Rob Landley wrote:

> On Sunday 27 October 2002 22:34, Hank Leininger wrote:
> > Also, I'm interested in any corner cases where the attachment-parser messes
> > up--most of all when it fails to make attachments properly downloadable,
> > but also, to a lesser extent, any predictably readable mime-type, encoding,
> > etc which it currently doesn't try to print in-line, but could.
> This one went totally bonkers, but the post it was embedded in could have been
> too long:

Hm. Actually I think the only problem with this is a browser issue.
[ But not any more, see below. ] That attachment is named
"linux-2.4.20-pre9-agp3.patch.gz". Netscape (at least) has absolutely
idiotic behavior when downloading .gz files: it will strip the .gz
extension, but not decompress the file! So when I use Netscape to save
the above, I get:

- -rw-r--r-- 1 hlein users 7023 Oct 28 02:06 linux-2.4.20-pre9-agp3.patch

Which is a bunch of binary crap. But 'file' realizes it's compressed:

$ file linux-2.4.20-pre9-agp3.patch
linux-2.4.20-pre9-agp3.patch: gzip compressed data, deflated, original filename, `linux-2.4.20-pre9-agp3.patch', last modified: Thu Oct 24 19:09:39 2002, os: Unix

And if you rename it to put the .gz back on, and/or gunzip -c it, you
should get what looks like a proper diff file. (I don't know a way for
a server to override this behavior; if anyone does, please contact me

Hm. OTOH, I just tested that with Konqueror (v 3.mumble) and it
segfaults trying to download it. Bad.


OK. I was basically reproducing the Content-Disposition header from the
mail, which contains a filename hint. In an email it looks like:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="linux-2.4.20-pre9-agp3.patch.gz"

Netscape and at least some other browsers eat that just fine (and take
the filename hint). Konqueror segfaults. If I remove that header, it's
fine, but then there's no filename hint. If I s/attachment;// then
Konqueror doesn't segfault. Netscape 4.8 and MSIE 6sp1 both still grok
the filename hint. Konqueror's handling of the filename hint seems
inconsistent (sometimes doesn't work at all; sometimes thinks the
closing double quote is part of the filename). Still investigating.
But this is better than before, so just committed that change.

I'll file a bug report on Konqueror (the header was admittedly bogus
before, but it shouldn't have caused a SEGV), and try to figure out how
to get filename hints working better for Konq as well.

> linux-kernel mailing list blurb was at the end of them. The penultimate list
> will be posted in a few minutes, just trying to catch up on linux-kernel
> first to see if I missed anything.

If these mails don't cross each other, please check if you can if the
other cases you've seen are similar to the above.


Hank Leininger <>
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