Logitech wheel and 2.5? (PS/2)

Gregoire Favre (greg@ulima.unil.ch)
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 23:34:01 +0100


up to 2.5.45:

register interface 'mouse' with class 'input
mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
input: PC Speaker
input: PS2++ Logitech Wheel Mouse on isa0060/serio1
psmouse.c: Received PS2++ packet #0, but don't know how to handle.
psmouse.c: Received PS2++ packet #0, but don't know how to handle.

And very regulary my mouse position is lost and reseted???
Also the wheel don't work (don't know for the button on the left that I
never use: the 3 regulars one and the wheel are enough for me...).

Thank you,

http://ulima.unil.ch/greg ICQ:16624071 mailto:greg@ulima.unil.ch
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