Re: [lkcd-devel] Re: [lkcd-general] Re: What's left over.

Matt D. Robinson (
Sun, 3 Nov 2002 09:08:16 -0800 (PST)

On 3 Nov 2002, Alan Cox wrote:
|>Encrypting the dump with the new crypto lib in the kernel would be easy,
|>right now it doesnt.

Piece of cake. It's like adding a dump compression module. You
can load dump_gzip.o or dump_rle.o to specify the kind of compression
you want to use. dump_crypto.o would be the same kind of thing. Just
add another flag and away you go.

|>My disk dump concerns are purely those of correctness. That means
|> [ ... ]
|>Most of the pieces already exist.

It's just a matter of time, then.


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