Re: Majordomo results

Matti Aarnio (
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 14:13:28 +0200

On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 03:39:38AM -0800, William Lee Irwin III wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 12:44:55PM +0200, Matti Aarnio wrote:
> > It just generates looped messages that are bounced to the list owner.
> > Subscriber's message had these headers: (yes, we do log EVERYTHING
> > sent to Majordomo.. We don't log everything sent to the lists, though.
> > There are a number of archives for that.)
> Could these DoS attempts get filtered somehow?

Sorry, its me talking "majordomo" -- when a filter is triggered,
a "BOUNCE" is sent to the listowner(s) for their analysis and decission.

So yes, they are filtered already by way of a loop filter we have
introduced, because every now and then people use MTA/MUA softwares
that make a mistake at receiving a message and consider visible
"To:" and "Cc:" headers to carry relevant data for message routing..

Think a bit of this message; "To:" says "linux-kernel@vger", but
it will nevertheless be sent to thousands of recipients whose
addresses are not visible in these headers at all.
The Internet Email is routed and transported by SMTP-envelope data,
which in normal cases is not displayed in visible headers.
Things in these visible headers have at most incidental relationship
with actual message routing and destinations.

> Thanks,
> Bill

/Matti Aarnio
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