Re: [Serial 2.5]: packet drop problem (FE ?)

Jean Tourrilhes (
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 16:41:55 -0800

On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 12:18:22AM +0000, Russell King wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 02:47:50PM -0800, Jean Tourrilhes wrote:
> > I tried swapping the IrDA dongles themselves, and this didn't
> > make any difference. No other device/driver is using irq4. I also try
> > using a FIR as a sender, and I still see this packet dropped in Rx in
> > 2.5.X. And this used to work properly way back when I had 2.4.X on
> > this box.
> > I'm kind of suspicious about the "fe" number above. Could
> > anybody tell me a bit more about what "fe" means ?
> FE = framing error, which is an error which is solely detected by the
> hardware when the stop bit(s) are not the mark value. They can appear
> when the wrong parity setting, number of stop bits, or baud rate is
> programmed.
> If you were overruning the serial port FIFOs, then you would see "oe"
> errors.
> What baud rate are you trying to run the link at?

115k (max negociated speed).

The IrDA layer report many CRC errors, that could be dropped
char or flipped bits. I see around one 2000B frame dropped every 10
frame, which would be one byte/bit every 20000B, which is roughly the
frequency of the FE in /proc.
On the other hand, this number seems a bit low for a
configuration error.

The serial port is configured via irattach like this :
tios->c_cflag = CS8|CREAD|B9600|CLOCAL;

/* Ignore break condition and parity errors */
tios->c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR;
tios->c_oflag = 0;
tios->c_lflag = 0; /* set input mode (non-canonical, no echo,..) */
tios->c_cc[VMIN] = 1; /* num of chars to wait for, before delivery */
tios->c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* timeout before delivery */
Now, it's possible that somehow irattach did mess up this
Is there a way to see the current flag configuration of the
port with setserial or /proc ?

> Russell King

Thanks for your help...

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