Re: Why is Nvidia given GPL'd code to use in non-free drivers?

Georg Nikodym (
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 10:53:18 -0500

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On Mon, 6 Jan 2003 14:04:15 -0800
David Schwartz <> wrote:

> So tell me how else you use kernel header files. What else can
> you
> do with a header file?!

Just some ideas:

1. Put 'em on t-shirts.
2. Read aloud to non-technical people as a cure for insonmia.
3. As song lyrics (just like the DeCSS decoder song).
4. Put 'em on wallpaper.
5. Print 'em on toiletpaper.
6. Print, shred and dispose as a was of disinforming dumpster divers.

I'm sure that the community can come up with more :-)


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