2.5.67-gcov and 2.4.20-gcov

Paul Larson (plars@linuxtestproject.org)
16 Apr 2003 09:20:02 -0500

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The Linux Kernel GCOV patch has a new home. It will now be available
from the Linux Test Project site at: http://ltp.sourceforge.net.

This release updates the gcov-kernel patches and utilities for 2.5.67
and 2.4.20 kernels, and includes some minor bugfixes.

The Linux Kernel GCOV patch allows utilization of the gcov tool
against a running kernel. This is different from most other profiling
methods because it can easily tell you things like: which lines of code
are executed, how many times they are executed, and how often different
branches are taken.

Paul Larson

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