Re: my dual channel DDR 400 RAM won't work on any linux distro

Alan Cox (
17 Apr 2003 13:45:35 +0100

On Iau, 2003-04-17 at 13:46, mbs wrote:
> <not flamebait, honest question>
> you hear this all the time, but do we really have any empirical evidence
> proving this, or is it just what we say to make ourselves feel good when
> Linux won't run on hardware that works fine under other os's?
> </not flamebait, honest question>

Yes, both evidence and in some cases explanation. As to the reasons
quoted in the original message those are probably less true now. Linux
has extremely optimised memory copiers - our AMD memory copiers broke
older VIA chipsets, it took several months until photoshop and other
specialist apps hit the same bug with their mmx/3dnow hand tuned effects
tools on windows and VIA actually fixed it.

Linux also allocates memory in very different patterns to Windows. So
a box that shows the odd crash in windows due to a memory error may show
repeated crashes in Linux an vice versa

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