Re: [2.5] Update sk98lin driver

Martin Schlemmer (
04 May 2003 21:35:18 +0200

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On Sun, 2003-05-04 at 20:57, Matti Aarnio wrote:

> > Now the problem is that if I try to load it, I get this:
> > -----------------------------------------
> > sk98lin: Unknown symbol __udivdi3
> > -----------------------------------------
> > Meaning it linked with Any ideas why ?
> It wanted to. That is signature of 64 bit value
> being divided by an abitrary non-power-of-two divider.
> If there is a non-fast-path use for the division,
> using do_div() macro. Originally for lib/vsprintf.c
> from which you can deduce the usage.
> If it is in fast-path, then the code needs serious
> re-thought.

Bleh, never easy hey =3D)

And I am guessing just adding a __udivdi3 implementation like
some of the other archs is out of the question ?


Martin Schlemmer

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