Re: removing a single device?

Robert L. Harris (
Mon, 12 May 2003 10:12:55 -0400

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Does it work on scsi-emulation devices such as 3Ware raid controllers?

I'm trying to swap out a failed IDE drive on a 3Ware card. I went into
tw_cli and executed "maint remove c1 p1" and it shows the drive offline.
The disk is in what appears to be a hot-swap connection similar to SCA.
Do I need to do the line below to remove it since the 3ware card
registers the drive offline?

root@legato-disk4.acs:~# tw_cli info c1 p1
Controller 1, Port 1
Model: Maxtor 4G160J8
Size: 163.92 GB (320173056 blocks)
Serial #: G805DE1E
FW: GAK819K0
Unit: 1

/proc/scsi/scsi does still show the device:

Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 01 Lun: 00
Vendor: 3ware Model: 3w-xxxx Rev: 1.0=20
Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: ffffffff

and the echo, remove below doesn't remove it. It does happily though
work on some other systems with SCA interfaces.


Thus spake Douglas Gilbert (

> Robert L. Harris wrote:
> > A long time ago I used to be able to do:
> >
> > echo "scsi add-single-device 0 0 11 0" > /proc/scsi/scsi
> > echo "scsi remove-single-device 0 0 11 0" > /proc/scsi/scsi
> >
> > When I wanted to unplug a SCA scsi drive for replacement. I tried this
> > recently on my 2.4.20 kernel and nothing happened. No errors, no change
> > to /proc/scsi/scsi, no entry in dmsg, it just ignored it. Has this been
> > deprecated for a new way of removing hotswap drives?
> Robert,
> It is not deprecated (and is still present in the lk 2.5
> development series since we still have no other way of
> doing this from the user space).
> The parsing of that expression is very rigid: no tabs
> or redundant spaces.
> Doug Gilbert

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