Re: About NLS Codepage 932

OGAWA Hirofumi (
Wed, 14 May 2003 22:08:11 +0900

zhangtao <> writes:

> On Tue, 13 May 2003 21:23:18 +0900
> OGAWA Hirofumi <> wrote:
> OK, Thanks!
> I want to know how Japanese use these UDC (User defined charactors)?
> I mean, for example, under Japanese version Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP, will the people use these UDC as Filename or others?
> All these UDC have same value, or everyone has different UDC because it's called USER DEFINED?

Users define a character freely to those code points. e.g. the
character which isn't in SJIS etc.

So, probably those code was mapped to the Unicode's Private Use Area.

OGAWA Hirofumi <>
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