Re: FW: am-utils or kernel bug ? Seems to be kernel or glibc bug...

Ion Badulescu (
Wed, 14 May 2003 09:35:57 -0400 (EDT)

On 14 May 2003, Nicolas Turro wrote:

> You were right, Ion,
> switching to a RH8 kernel ( 2.4.18-14 ) , solved the issue. I cannot
> reproduce this futex bug on the father process...
> Who should i contact in order to correct things ? is a good first start.

Hmm. I just realized that I was also running my script on a plain vanilla
2.4.20 kernel, NOT rh9's own kernel, so that's probably why I couldn't
reproduce the problem. I'll try again tonight, but as you said this points
strongly towards some new RH kernel feature which is less than stable or
which modifies certain semantics in ways that occasionally break amd.


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