University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science

Department information


LaTeX templates for PhD theses

Installation instructions for the tktla document class

This LaTeX package contains the following files:

To use the document class, it is enough to copy the file tktla.cls somewhere where LaTeX can find it (this is the only file that is necessary for using the class). Probably the easiest way is to copy it to the directory where you will create your document: LaTeX looks for package and class files also in the current directory.

The place for system-wide installation depends on your TeX installation, but /usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/misc/ and c:\localtexmf\tex\latex\misc\ should be common possibilities.

If you wish to modify the package, you can modify tktla.cls directly, but you should note that the file is actually automatically generated from tktla.dtx and tktla.ins (along with the documentation). The command to create tktla.cls from tktla.dtx and tktla.ins is:

tex tktla.ins

The formatted documentation ( can be generated by running the following commands:

If you want to modify tktla.dtx directly, you should note that, as in all .dtx files, the comments in the file contain LaTeX source for the formatted documentation. See the documentation for the standard doc and docstrip packages (doc.dvi and docstrip.dvi) for details.

List of former theses

In the very end of your thesis should be the list of former theses written in the Department of Computer Science. You can find the list here:

The cover

The covers of the theses are made in Yliopistopaino (The University of Helsinki Printing House). You should give them the following information:

You must proof-read the cover carefully - mistakes are not uncommon!