Laitoksen aamukahvit

Tapahtuman tyyppi: 
Muu tilaisuus
15.11.2017 - 09:00 - 10:00
Exactum, B222

Laitoksen uusi professori Pan Hui pitää esityksen seuraavasti:

Titile: Mobile Augmented Reality 

Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) is widely regarded as one of the most promising technologies in the next ten years. With MAR, we are able to blend information from our senses and mobile devices in myriad ways that were not possible before. The way to supplement the real world other than to replace real world with an artificial environment makes it especially preferable for applications such as tourism, navigation, entertainment, advertisement, and education. In this talk, I will give an overview of the MAR research in my research group.

Kahvit tarjolla salin ulkopuolella klo 8.45.

07.11.2017 - 15:59 Minna A Lauri
24.10.2017 - 12:55 Minna A Lauri