XPath Universities Riverside TonyGivargis
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, Riverside
givargis@cs.ucr.edu tony.givargis@aol.com
FrankVahid associate professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, Riverside
vahid@cs.ucr.edu frank.vahid@aol.com
Bologna AntonioCorradi professor
Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna, Bologna
-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Oletetaan, että kontekstisolmu on sitä card-elementtiä vastaava solmu, jonka ID-attribuutin arvo on "start". / Assume that the node corresponding to the card-element with the value "start" of its ID attribute is the context node. child::name/child::fname name/fname parent::dept/oname ancestor::node()/oname ancestor::*/oname 2) Oletetaan, että kontekstisolmu on yllämainitun card-elementin vanhempaa, dept-elementtiä vastaava solmu. card/email card[title]/email card[title="professor"]/email card/email[@type] card/email[@type="main"] card[position()=1] card[1] card[last()] card[id("start")]