Git- ja GitHub-sanasto

Englanninkieliset selitykset / English explanations:

Jotain suomenkielistä sanastoa on haettu lähteistä

Itse keksimäni sanat ovat lihavoitu.
The terms I coined are in bold.

Sanasto on vielä keskeneräinen (ainahan se!).

Englanniksi / English Suomeksi / Finnish
(n.) branch
An active line of development.
(subst.) haara
Kehityksen aktiivinen osa, esim. master (päähaara) tai jokaista ominaisuutta varten tehtävä uusi oksa, jossa kehitystyö tehdään ja lopuksi oksa yhdistetään pääoksaan.
(n.) checkout
The action of updating all or part of the working tree with a tree object or blob from the object database, and updating the index and HEAD if the whole working tree has been pointed at a new branch.
(subst.) haaranvaihto
(v.) clone
To get oneself a local copy of a repository.
(verb.) kopioida
(verb.) kahdentaa
(n.) commit
A single point in the Git history; the entire history of a project is represented as a set of interrelated commits.
(subst.) solmittu muutos
(subst.) sitoutus
(subst.) pysyvä muutos
(subst.) solmu
(subst.) solminta
(subst.) varastointi
Pysyvä muutos.
(v.) commit
The action of storing a new snapshot of the project’s state in the Git history, by creating a new commit representing the current state of the index and advancing HEAD to point at the new commit.
(verb.) solmia
(verb.) sitouttaa
(verb.) varastoida
Tehdä pysyvä muutos.
(n.) fast-forward
A fast-forward is a special type of merge where you have a revision and you are "merging" another branch's changes that happen to be a descendant of what you have.
(subst.) pikakelaus
(v.) fetch
Fetching a branch means to get the branch’s head ref from a remote repository, to find out which objects are missing from the local object database, and to get them, too.
(verb.) hakea
(n.) fork
GitHub: A fork is a copy of a repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project.
(subst.) haarauma
(n.) index
A collection of files with stat information, whose contents are stored as objects. The index is a stored version of your working tree.
(subst.) indeksi
(n.) issue
On GitHub, a system for tracking ideas, enhancements, tasks, or bugs for work.
(subst.) seikka
(v.) merge
To bring the contents of another branch (possibly from an external repository) into the current branch.
(verb.) yhdistää
Yhdistää jokin ulkoinen haara nykyiseen haaraan.
(n.) object
The unit of storage in Git.
(subst.) olio
(n.) origin
The default upstream repository.
(subst.) alkuperä
(v.) pull
Pulling a branch means to fetch it and merge it.
(verb.) vetää
(v.) push
Pushing a branch means to get the branch’s head ref from a remote repository, find out if it is an ancestor to the branch’s local head ref, and in that case, putting all objects, which are reachable from the local head ref, and which are missing from the remote repository, into the remote object database, and updating the remote head ref.
(verb.) työntää
(n.) pull request
On GitHub, a system for recommending changes to a project, requesting the project maintainer or any person with such permissions to pull a given branch into the repository.
(subst.) vetopyyntö
(subst.) vetoehdotus
(n.) rebase
To reapply a series of changes from a branch to a different base, and reset the head of that branch to the result.
(verb.) sulauttaa
Haaran sulauttaminen esimerkiksi päähaaraan vaihtaa sulautettavan haaran pohjaksi taas päähaaran. Tämän toteuttaakseen kaikki haaran päähaarasta eroavat muutokset kelataan takaisin ja tehdään uudestaan päähaaran vastaavan tilan päälle, jonka jälkeen molemmat haarojen puussa ei ole enää varsinaisesti "haaraa".
(n.) ref (reference)
(subst.) viittaus
(n.) repository
(subst.) tietolähde
(subst.) tietovarasto
(subst.) tietosäilö
(subst.) tietosäiliö
(subst. slg.) repo
(v.) rewind
To throw away part of the development, i.e. to assign the head to an earlier revision.
(verb.) kelata taaksepäin
(n.) staging area
(subst.) valmistelualue
(n.) tag
A ref under refs/tags/ namespace that points to an object of an arbitrary type (typically a tag points to either a tag or a commit object).
(subst.) lippu
(subst.) merkintä
(n.) upstream
(subst.) ylätaso
(subst.) yläjuoksu
(n.) working directory
(subst.) työhakemisto
(n.) working tree
The tree of actual checked out files. The working tree normally contains the contents of the HEAD commit’s tree, plus any local changes that you have made but not yet committed.
(subst.) työpuu

Päivitetty 2019-04-25T11:51:33.254700