Instructions for submitting (extended) abstracts

Each speaker is allowed to submit a PDF file containing an extended abtract describing the topic of their talk by the deadline of October 12th, 2016. The length of the abstract should be one to four (1–4) pages. The formatting of the abstract should follow the WITMSE guidelines, see below.

In the body of your email, please list all the authors as they should appear in the author index (use Latex code), and indicate where in the alphabetical order each name belongs (e.g., do you want "van Gogh" to be listed under "V" or "G"?).

Send the pdf file by email to "janne.leppa-aho at".

Please make sure that the pages are not numbered (we will add the page numbers later when merging all the files together).

The submitted paper should be preferably in PDF format or, if that is not possible, in PS format. When submitting a PDF file, all fonts should be embedded. The paper size should be A4 (please check).

When creating with LaTeX:

You can also download all the files for LaTeX in a ZIP archive:

When creating with Microsoft Word:

You can also download all the files for Word in a ZIP archive: