Homework                                                                          [Suomeksi Sivu suomeksi]

Computer Organization II,  Fall 2002, HW 3

These questions will be covered in practise sessions during the week 40 (1-2.10.2002)
  1. Problem 8.4 (p. 279) from text book.   (Probl. 7.4, p. 269 [Stal99])


  2. Problems 8.7 and 8.8 from text book.    (Probl. 7.7 and 7.8  [Stal99])


  3. Problem 8.9 from the text book.        (Probl. 7.9 [Stal99])


  4. Is it possible that Booth's algorithm (see Fig. 9.12 [Stal03] or Fig 8.12 [Stal99]) would be clearly slower than normal multiplication algorithm for Twos complement integers, given just before it in text book? If it is, please give an example. If it is not, please give a detailed reasoning.

  5. Problem 9.7 from the text book.        (Probl. 8.7, p. 315 [Stal99])

  6. Problems 9.20 and 9.24 from the text book.      (Probl. 8.20 and 8.24, p. 315 [Stal99])
    How would the situation change, in part (b) of the latter problem the values were stored with five decimal numbers (instead of four)? What is the accuracy of variable C value?


Teemu Kerola