Homework                                                                                   [Suomeksi Sivu suomeksi]

Computer Organization II,  Fall 2002, HW 4

These questions will be covered in practise sessions during the week 41 (8-9.10.2002)
  1. Problems 10.3 (p. 368) and 11.12 (p.410) from text book.     (Probl. 9.3, p. 360 and 10.11, p.403 [Stal99])
    You may assume that each instruction ses has a DIV instruction.
    Three address instruction sets have of course three operands (missprint in old text book [Stal99], see http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/kerola/tikra/coa_errata/errata.txt).
    Also assume, that variables A, B, C, D, E, F and X are in memory.


  2. Problem 11.6 (p. 410) from the text book.                                                   (Probl. 10.5, p. 402 [Stal99])
    Give example instruction for parts (a) and (b).
    Would is be worthwhile in the instruction to place the opcode only after the operands? Why?


  3. Problem 10.9 (p. 368) from the text book.                                                   (Probl. 9.7, p. 361 [Stal99])


  4. Problem 12.3 (p. 458) from the text book.                                                   (Probl. 11.3, p. 451 [Stal99])

  5. Problem 12.5 in text book.                                                                          (Probl. 11.5 [Stal99])
    1. Give an example on situation, where the algorithm in Figure 12.17, p. 437 (Fig. 11.16, p. 430 [Stal99]) would be better than the two other alternatives.
    2. Give an example on situation, where the left side algorithm in Figure 12.25, p. 459 (Fig. 11.24, p. 452 [Stal99]) would be better than the two other alternatives.
    3. Give an example on situation, where the right side algorithm in Figure 12.25, p. 459 (Fig. 11.24, p. 452 [Stal99]) would be better than the two other alternatives.

    Please notice that the left side state diagram in Figure 11.24 has a typo: lower leftmost state should be "Predict Taken".

  6. Problem 12.7 from the text book.                                                              (Probl. 11.7 [Stal99])

Teemu Kerola