Digital media technology, autumn 2007

Exercise 3 (24.9.-28.9.)

In prevous exercises we built a home page for Firma OY using frames for layout. The functionality of the page relied on the use of the file system folders and the possibility to load material on separate frames. This time our goal is to build a similar page without frames. File contains the material to be shown. An example of a product sheet is in file To obtain some functionality without scripts and actual programming the product sheet will be shown in an inner frame (iframe).

1. Position the elements according to the image in exercise 2.1. You probably need to add at least div-elements in the original contents file so make copies of the files above. Note: The product menu need not function the same way as discussed in last week's exercises.

2. Improve the layout as follows:

The product sheet should have

3. There are many ways to implement menus with CSS. Study them and implement the menus on the page so that

4. Product group and product menus may be implemented in many different ways. Here we have two separate menus. A two level menu is one choise. They may be implemented in CSS or as CSS and Javascript combinations. Stydy some alternativest (Internet). Find out why CSS-solutions do not necessarily work on Internet Explorer.

5. Traditionally JavaScript has been used to carry out checks on form data before submitting the form. Construct a small form that has a date field and a numeric field. Write Javascript to chect the styntax of these fields. The common way to inform the user about errors is a pop-up alert-box. This is not consides as good user interfase design. You may inform about errors also on the form itself for example by making a hidden error message visible. Use this better way.