Digital Media Technology (Spring 2009) / Exercises 2

These exercises focus on structural hypertext and nodes. We'll also now start doing the project work. First two of the exercises should be done in advance (by you!), and the rest will be done in the exercise session.

1. Find 24 errors! (in advance)

The enclosed erroneous document contains at least 24 errors. Check the html source code, and on every line, think if that line might contain errors. The errors are of structural kind (on low, high and humane levels); there are no "semicolon" errors.

Copy the document for yourself, and mark the errors (with HTML comments). It's important that you find and mark the errors for others in your exercise session mini group to see! Then you can compare and merge the errors you have found.

2. Nodes (in advance)

We have thought, for several days, how to visualize web nodes. We came up with some good alternatives, but none of them was good enough to show on lecture. So! You have to do it! Draw on paper your own suggestion. Exercise group instructor probably has his own suggestion, so, note that there is no correct answer for the problem.

Stuff to ponder upon

3. Chooce your project work topic

Now would be a good time to choose your project work topic. The topics are on project work page. Discuss about the topic and technical requirements with the exercise group instructor. You don't have to chooce the topic yet, but because of course schedule, it must be chosen by the third exercises.

4. Let's start the project work: documentation outline

Familiarize yourself with the documentation requirements (on project work page), and make an XHTML outline (base for the final documentation). Add all the required parts to the document, so that you ca later just add the text to the right places. Like: add a heading A short functional description, and below it a text paragraph saying "I DON'T KNOW YET!" Validate your document.