Digital Media Technology (Spring 2009) / Exercises 5

These exercises cover PHP and the back-end. Again, do them in advance, but at the latest on the exercises!

Have you noticed the extras?

We have added some (easier?) extra exercises. Now there's also PHP. If you're feeling like you don't know how to do these "normal" exercises, do the extras – otherwise, you're in danger of failing the course!

Form handling

On lecture, there were a few simple examples of form handling (any form!) with PHP. Copy the examples for yourself and make the html form (in Finnish, don't mind) post to the form2.txt PHP handler. Try it, see that the form is saved (into a file). Edit the save format so that it's more readable.

Try the back-end with JavaScript

  1. See how the back-end works
  2. Try all the actions with JavaScript/Ajax, preferably with jQuery
    1. Data retrieval with jQuery
    2. Data posting with jQuery

Make up a PHP assignment for yourself

This exercise is for everyone. Make up a small exercise for yourself, which is challenging for your own level. Maybe also solve it!