You have landed on Roger Oksanen's homepage. I'm studying computer science at the Departement of Computer Science at Helsinki university for the n:th year (where n>6). picture of me

I was born 1979-04-08, which makes me about 25 years old. I've been into computers since 1985; when I got a Commodore Vic20 to play with. A few years later, I got a Commodore 64 and I wrote my first Basic-programs. When I got a IBM PC, I ditched basic for the more elegant Pascal (Turbo Pascal).

Programming languages have always intrigued me and as a result I have tried and programmed in most of the "popular" languages; C, C++, Java, Python, Perl, PHP, REXX to name a few.


Linux has been the OS of my choice since I started studying Computer Science. I was a hard core OS/2 user before that; the only Windows I allowed on my computer was WinOS/2. If I HAVE to run a Windows program, it usually works under Wine.

2004-08-03 Some major rework of the page.

I'm the swedish-speaking tutor at the Department of Computer Science at Helsinki university during fall 2004. Information about tutoring can be found from TKO-äly's freshman page (in finnish).

verify_binary This bash script walks through selected directories, searching for files not in the RPM database. It gathers the executable links to dynamic libraries and checks them too. Very usefull if you suspect that you have old dynamic libraries ghosting around. Licence GNU General Public Licence version 2.
PGP signature: verify_binary.sig

PGP signature verification with GnuPG

Be sure you have my PGP key (found in contact). Invoke:

$ gpg --verify file.sig file

And GnuPG will either succeed of fail.

PGP-ID1B125A3E (click to download key)
PGP fingerprint6578 509E BD90 0A1F DC8D 2F17 EFC3 9950 1B12 5A3E
ICQ uin19142469
Spektrum rf Spektrum rf is a student society for swedish-speaking Mathematician, Physicist, Chemists and Computer Scientists.
The Department of Computer ScienceThe Department of Computer Science at Helsinki University homepage.
The Freenet project The Freenet project works towards a P2P network that would allow online free speech for everyone, using a distributed datastore encapsulated in a crypthographic mesh.
UserFriendly The computer nerd version of Dilbert.


The design goal of this page was to fit everything in one single html file and provide a framework to navigate on the page. The page has a spartan look because I'm not a web designer.


I have tested the functionality of this page with the following brosers:

Mozilla Firefox Working OK!
Konqueror / KHTMLThe navigator bar is not working properly. Apparently Konqueror DOM support is not good enough (events are not delivered to the right handler and DIV layers cannot be moved). Using restricted DOM mode for now.
Netscape Navigator 4.xUsing legacy support (no menu).
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.xThe DOM support in IE is lacking/broken. Legacy support.
Opera 6.xMajor JavaScript problems. Unsupported!


All contents of this page is © 2004 Roger Oksanen unless othervise stated. The JavaScript code is licenced under the GNU General Public Licence version 2. The GPL text can be found from