Alexandru I. Tomescu - Software

HomepagePublications • Software • Teaching

Below are some bioinformatics software projects develped in my team

1. De Bruijn graphs and kmer sets

  • GGCAT: Extremely-fast construction and querying of compacted and colored de Bruijn graphs
  • matchtigs & eulertigs: Minimum plain-text representation of kmer sets / spectrum preserving string sets
Accompanying papers:

2. Fast solvers for flow decomposition problems via Integer Linear Programming

Accompanying papers:
flow decompositon

3. Alignment to pangenomes

Accompanying papers:
co-linear chaining

4. Super-unitigs for genome assembly

  • Y-to-V contigs and omnitigs: An assembler of Y-to-V contigs and omnitigs
  • Practical omnitigs: A repository to conduct experiments with omnitig-related models in the context of genome assembly
  • Genome graph: A Rust crate to represent genome graphs (supports mainly bigraphs at the moment)
Accompanying papers:
unitigs and flowtigs

5. Protein and RNA alignment

  • EMERALD: Safety windows in protein alignments by exploring the suboptimal alignment space
  • rna-safe-complete: Safe and Complete RNA Secondary Structure Prediction for the maximum base pairs model
Accompanying papers:
safety in protein alignments via suboptimal alignments

6. Inferring tumor phylogenies

Accompanying papers:

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