Helsingin yliopisto /Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos
Programming in Java

581326-3 Programming in Java. Course Info, Autumn 2001

Arto Wikla, 2.11.2001

This course is compulsory at the Cum Laude Approbatur level in computer science. For students minoring in computer science, it is compulsory at the Approbatur level. It yields 2 credit units. The course is an orientation in the Java programming language. It is not possible to learn the whole language during this course; rather, the focus is on using the basic tools of the language. So called ready-made packages will not be thoroughly dealt with, but we will look at the basics of use and principles of structure. The goal is that a student, who has completed the course properly, will be able to use the master documentation of the language actively and independently.

Usually, students take this course immediately after the course Introduction to programming, 3 cu.

The homepage of the course is at the address http://www.cs.Helsinki.FI/u/wikla/JohdOhj/JaOh/indexS2000.html.

The Lectures are held at the University's main building (Fabianinkatu 33), lecture hall 1, on November 2 - December 7, Wednesdays and Thursdays 14-16. The lectures are in Finnish!

Those who are not conversant in Finnish may read the book
Lewis, Loftus: Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design, Addison Wesley, 1997.

The course book in Finnish is

The contents of the course (in Finnish!) may also be found on the Web site http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/wikla/JohdOhj/Sisalto/ .

Suggested further reading:

The English exercise group will meet once a week November 9 - December 7 as follows:

     17. Jussi Paalanen  FRI 14-16 A216 

The exercise sessions will deal with homework from the course. You will solve most of the problems with the help of computers. The successful solving of problems in the exercise group will give you points that will influence your final grade. The maximum of points is 7, which you will obtain by completing most of the problems. (The maximum of the examination is 53.)

The examination will be held on Tuesday, December 18 at 9-13 Porthania I (There are other halls, too, but all the foreign students come to this hall.)

The maximum points in the examination are 53. You must get at least 25 points to pass!

Grades are determined as follows:

   Points: 30  33  36  39  42  45  48  51
   Grade:  1-  1   1+  2-  2   2+  3-  3

Java and all Java-based marks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. University of Helsinki is independent of Sun Microsystems, Inc.