Code Examples for

Programming in Scala

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25 Annotations

  • 25.1 Why have annotations?
  • 25.2 Syntax of annotations
  • 25.3 Standard annotations
  • 25.4 Conclusion
  • 25.1 Why have annotations?

    25.2 Syntax of annotations

    // In file annotations/Misc.scala @deprecated def bigMistake() = //...
    // In file annotations/Misc.scala @deprecated class QuickAndDirty { //... }
    // In file annotations/Misc.scala (e: @unchecked) match { // non-exhaustive cases... }
    @cool val normal = "Hello" @coolerThan(normal) val fonzy = "Heeyyy"

    25.3 Standard annotations

    @deprecated def bigMistake() = //...

    25.4 Conclusion

    For more information about Programming in Scala (the "Stairway Book"), please visit:


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