Last modified: Fri Sep 30 01:42:24 1994 /* Copyright (C) 1993,1994 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This file is part of GNU GCC. GNU GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any later version. GNU GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ Author: Juki Gpc version 1.04 (2.6.0) Notes On GNU Pascal (GPC) ========================= PURPOSE ------- The purpose of the GNU Pascal project is to produce a Pascal compiler (called GNU Pascal or gpc) which - supports both the Pascal standard and the Extended Pascal standard as defined by ISO and ANSI and IEEE. (ISO 7185:1990, ISO/IEC 10206:1991, ANSI/IEEE770X3.160-1989) - may be distributed under normal GNU license conditions - can genarate code and run on any computer for which the GNU C compiler can genarate code and run. One reason for this is the desire to promote the use of Extended Pascal, which combines the clarity of Pascal with powerful tools (e.g. modules and string manipulation) suitable for real-life programming. Pascal was originally designed for teaching. Extended Pascal provides a smooth way to proceed to challenging programming tasks without learning a completely different language. GNU Pascal compiler is part of the GNU Compiler family combining a language independent part of the GNU Compiler with a Pascal specific front end. Other compilers of the family currently include compilers for the C, C++ and Objective C languages. ABOUT THE PASCAL AND EXTENDED PASCAL LANGUAGES ---------------------------------------------- Pascal is a well-known programming language and hardly needs to be described here. Notice, however, that some people's idea of Pascal is affected by acquaintance with such products as Turbo Pascal which differ from the Pascal standard and provide a lot of nonstandard extensions (some of which are compatible with the Extended Pascal standard). Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the ISO Pascal standard defines two levels of the language, level 0 and level 1; the only difference between the levels is that level 1 supports the so-called conformant array schemas in parameter declarations. Extended Pascal is a standardized language which contains so significant extensions to Pascal that it is best regarded as a new language. It is currently not very well known, and computer vendors do not seem to be eager to provide compilers for it. Thus, there is social need for GNU Pascal supporting Extended Pascal. STATUS ------ The current version of GNU Pascal - supports most of the Pascal standard - supports a large subset of the Extended Pascal standard Conformant array schemas have been implemented, but they do not work in all cases. Thus, GNU Pascal is at present basically a level 0 compiler. GNU Pascal supports a large number of extensions to the Pascal standard. They do not necessarily conform to the Extended Pascal standard yet, but they will be checked and developed with the aim of full conformance, plus some extensions to Extended Pascal. Unfortunately, the current version still contains deviations from the Pascal standard, so GNU Pascal is not yet a valid Pascal compiler, but not very far from it. The biggest problems are: - Type checking is not as strict as required in the standard - Run-time checks are not implemented. The rest of this document describes, in more detail, the extensions to standard Pascal which are currently supported, and some implementation decisions, features, and future plans. KNOWN BUGS: ----------- The biggest problem is that the GPC does not enforce the type checking rules of Pascal. So it compiles programs that should not be accepted because they violate the Pascal standard. NOTE: If you can find these kind of problems in GPC, let me know. Run time checks are not implemented in the compiled code (However, the GPC run time library traps most problems like it should). This means that there is no compiler support for runtime checks like array bounds checking, uninitialized variables, dereferencing NIL and whatever. On a 64 bit machine (Alpha) some set operations do not work correctly. NEW and DISPOSE ignore variant selector fields. (Gives warning, code works) Negative set bounds do not work. set of integer is currently limited to 4 words, that is on a 32 bit machine it is 0..255, on 64 bit machines it is 0..511 (Warning given.) Modules are only partially implemented... If your program declares lots of large variables you may run out of stack (and get signal 11) because all program top-level variables are also put in the stack. If you can't change the stacklimit (e.g. with the "limit" command), put your variables in a module; the top level vars there are not stored in stack. But there is a risk of name clashes on module top level declarations currently (a bug not yet fixed). Value parameter string type arguments has severe problems. You should be able to pass one string as value parameter to an undiscriminated string schema, and that should be the last parameter. Otherwise, I suggest you currently pass them as var parameters. To fix this requires a major rewrite. When compiling a 25000 line pascal program (The PAX pascal compiler) with gpc it consumes *lots* of memory. Gee, the gpc compiled Pax compiler compiled itself, but I have not tested the resulting binary yet... NOTE: ----- For this snapshot: If I have to use constructs that affect the syntax of the language I use tokens that look like __TOKEN__ (two adjacent underscores). The current parser does not allow redefinition of these tokens, but on the other hand, the extended pascal standard forbids identifiers that start or end with an underscore. GCC also has similar names for some extensions in C. (E.g. the word `Inline' is no longer a "reserved" word; to compile routines inline, use __inline__ instead.) The __cstring__ formal parameter type should convert a VALUE string-type parameter (not a char_type) to a pointer and pass that. If the actual parameter is a string schema, the address of the character array is passed, not the address of the schema object. Use with care. If a formal parameter is a pointer to a VOID type, e.g. type voidptr = ^void; any pointer value is accepted as the actual parameter. Use with care, because it bypasses all type checking. EXTENSIONS TO ISO-7185 PASCAL LANGUAGE: --------------------------------------- GPC contains a number of extensions to the ISO 7185 Pascal language. Most of these extensions are written so that they should conform conform to the international standard ISO/IEC 10206 : 1991, Information technology - Programming Languages - Extended Pascal. GPC is not yet fully compliant to the requirements of the Extended Pascal language. The following Extended Pascal features are implemented: - I/O from/to strings - append file open mode: extend(File) - binding of external objects (GPC supports only binding of files) - complex dyadic operations +,-,/,* and monadic -,+ - complex exponentiation operators (POW and **) - complex functions (sqr,arctan,sqrt,exp,ln,sin,cos) - complex number info with re, im and arg functions - complex numbers constructed by cmplx or polar - constant expressions - direct access I/O - exponentiation operators (POW and **) - function result variable - functions returning structured types - generalized Succ/Pred (val := succ (val, 5);) - gettimestamp, date, time - halt procedure - initial values to type declarations and/or variable declarations - local variable declarations may dynamically select the type and size - maxchar/minreal/maxreal/epsreal values. - modules are partially supported (@@@incomplete, see below) - non-decimal numbers, base from 2 through 36: base#number - pointer and component access of structured return values - protected parameters - ranges and otherwise in case statements and variant records - read procedure can read strings from text files - relaxation of rules on number & order of declarations - required module interfaces StandardInput and StandardOutput - restricted types - set extensions (symmetric difference(XOR) and CARD) - short circuit logical operators (AND_THEN, OR_ELSE) - standard numeric input (ISO 6093) - string and char values are compatible - string catenations with "+" - string comparisons with and without padding - string functions (trim,substr,index,length) - string schema (variable length strings) - string schema discriminant 'Capacity' dynamically set with NEW - substring variables (str[5..7] := 'foo';) - type inquiry - underscore in identifiers - zero fieldwidth output Gpc extensions not in Extended Pascal: - alphanumeric labels - assembler code inclusion with access to variables - character escapes in strings - close file (@@@ unbind(F) also closes a bound file F) - computed goto - function pointers - halt procedure may have a numeric exit status parameter - mark/release - optional file name in reset/rewrite/extend as a string - return / break / continue statements - simple "modules" in addition to the Extended Pascal modules. - sizeof/alignof functions - string[ XX ] works like string(XX) as a string schema type selector - storage qualifiers in variable declarations - synonyms for otherwise: others and default - taking address of labels - taking address of objects - type casts - type qualifiers - module initializers can be run in user specified order EXTENDED PASCAL FEATURES STILL MISSING FROM GPC: ------------------------------------------------ - set member iteration (FOR ch IN [ 'a'..'z','0'..'9' ] DO...) - set types with variable bounds - structured value constructors - general schema types & make NEW work with them - some features of the module interface missing - subrange lower bound as an expression (this is *hard* to do with an LALR(1) parser in single pass! GPC allows upper bound as an arbitrary expression; lower bound must now be an identifier, a constant or a variable name.) Other currently unimplemented extensions: - pre-prosess input files (@@ Otherwise would work, but cccp must be modified: - recognize Pascal comments - do not recognize C-comments) I/O TO TEXT FILES: ------------------ GPC implements "lazy" text file I/O, i.e. do a PUT as soon as you can and do GET as late as you can. This should avoid most of the problems sometimes considered to be the most stupid feature of Pascal. When passing a file buffer as parameter the buffer is validated when the parameter is passed. @@@ Perhaps it would be nice to hack it to be validated when the VAR parameter is referenced... When any lazy file is RESET, the file buffer state is set to undefined. It is validated on the first reference to it. Now this is also true for terminal devices. VARIABLE LENGTH STRINGS IN GPC: ------------------------------- Extended Pascal has a "type selector" feature called schema types. GPC does not yet implement general schema types, but the STRING SCHEMA is now implemented. (An example of a (unimplemented) schemata would be, e.g: Matrix (N,M: Positive_int) = array [ 1..N, 1..M ] of integer; Here the M and N are discriminant identifiers.) A STRING SCHEMA is the only predefined schema type in Extended Pascal, with one required discriminant identifier "Capacity". The string schema type, if explicitely defined, could look like: TYPE string(capacity) = packed array [ 1..capacity ] of char; Internally GPC implements STRING SCHEMA as follows: The type representing the SCHEMA TYPE is a RECORD_TYPE node, with the following fields: STRING = RECORD Capacity : integer; length : integer; string : packed array [ 1..Capacity ] of char; END; The "Capacity" field may be directly referenced by user, "length" is referenced by a predefined string function LENGTH(str) and contains the current string length. "string" contains the chars in the string. The "string" and "length" fields can not be directly referenced by a user program. References to the schema discriminants are allowed, and the WITH statement is also allowed, so one can say: var str : string (80); begin writeln (str.capacity), (* writes 80 *) with str do writeln (capacity); (* writes 80 *) end; When a new SCHEMA_TYPE is created, the discriminant identifier fields need to be initialized. GPC initializes the new schema type discriminant identifiers of every VAR_DECL node before it executes any instructions of the procedure, function or program where the string variable is declared. If new internal schema types are created (for conversion of fixed-string or char type parameters to a string schema formal parameter), the discriminant identifiers are initialized immediately. The discriminant identifiers of PARM_DECL nodes are not initialized separately, they get their values from the actual parameters. If a parameter is a SCHEMA_NAME (a schema with no discriminant identifiers), a proto string schema is used as the type of the parameter. VAR-parameter: An actual parameter to a formal schema name must be of STRING_SCHEMA type. The type of the actual parameter is used instead of the proto schema for the formal parameter. VALUE-parameter: An actual parameter to a schema name may be either a STRING_SCHEMA type, a fixed string type or a char type. If the actual parameter is a string schema type, that is used instead of the proto schema. If it is not a schema, a new variable length string VAR_DECL is created, the actual parameter is copied to the new variable and the "capacity" field is set to the length of the actual variable. Variable length string parameters look like: PROGRAM Zap (output); TYPE stype = string (10); sptr = ^string; VAR str : stype; str2 : string(100000); dstr : ^string; zstr : sptr; len : integer value 256; (* "string" accepts any length of strings *) PROCEDURE foo(z: string); BEGIN writeln ('Capacity : ',z.capacity); writeln ('Length : ',length (z)); writeln ('Contents : ',z); END; (* Another way to use dynamic strings *) PROCEDURE bar(slen : integer); var lstring : string (slen); foostr : type of lstring; BEGIN lstring := 'Hello World!'; foo (lstring); foostr := 'Ent{ miksi juuri t{m{?'; foo(foostr); END; BEGIN str := 'KUKKUU'; str2 := 'A longer string variable'; new (dstr, 1000); { Select the string Capacity with NEW } dstr^ := 'The max length of this is 1000 chars'; new (zstr, len); zstr^ := 'This should fit here'; foo(str); foo(str2); foo('This is a constant string'); foo('R'); { A char parameter to string routine } foo(''); { An empty string } foo (dstr^); foo (zstr^); bar (10000); END. (* Zap *) In the above example, the required procedure NEW was used to select the capacity of the strings. Procedure "BAR" also has a string whose size depends of the parameter passed to it and another string whose type will be the same than the type of the first string ("type of" construct). All string and char types are compatible as long as the destination string is long enough to hold the source in assignments. If the source string is shorter than the destination, the destination is automatically blank padded if the destination string is not of string schema type. STRING ROUTINES (mostly in library): ------------------------------------ S1 and S2 may be of string or char type. S is of string type. WRITESTR (s, write-parameter-list) READSTR (s, read-parameter-list) Write to a string and read from a string. The parameter lists are identical to write/read from TEXT files. The semantics is closely modeled after file I/O. INDEX(s1,s2) If S2 is empty, return 1 else if S1 is empty return 0 else returns the position of s2 in s1 (an integer). LENGTH (s1) Return the length of S1 (an integer from 0..Capacity) TRIM (s1) Returns a new string with spaces stripped of the end of S. SUBSTR (s1, i) SUBSTR (s1, i, j) If J is missing it is calculated as: J := LENGTH (S1) - I + 1; Return a new substring of S1 that contains J characters starting from I. EQ (s1,s2) NE (s1,s2) LT (s1,s2) LE (s1,s2) GT (s1,s2) GE (s1,s2) Lexicographic comparisons of S1 and S2. Returns boolean result. Strings are not padded with spaces. s1 = s2 s1 <> s2 s1 < s2 s1 <= s2 s1 > s2 s1 >= s2 Pascal string compare of S1 and S2. Returns boolean result. Shorter string is blank padded to length of the longer one. NO NAME SPACE POLLUTION WITH EXTENSIONS: ---------------------------------------- In GPC you are free to re-define everything that is not a reserved word in ISO 7185 Pascal in your program. All Extended Pascal additional "reserved words" may be redefined, so you do not have to modify your code for GPC if you have an identifier like RESTRICTED or VALUE or some such. @@ This violates Extended Pascal standard. You may also redefine words like INTEGER and CHAR if you like. @@@@ NOTE: The *only* exception to the redefinition rule currently is the word INLINE (to make routines inline compiled), because I added it in front of PROCEDURE or FUNCTION. But I think I will change the syntax later and make INLINE a directive instead of a reserved word. COMPILE TIME SWITCHES: ---------------------- to get info of possible clashes of keywords and other info of your program constructs that gpc thinks are "non-standard" use the switch "-pedantic" when compiling. See the GCC info files. @@@ I have not tested the switches like -Wall very much. If you do, @@@ give me info of error messages that don't make sense in Pascal. @@@ As a rule, GPC implements most of the switches GCC implements, and a couple of more that can not currently be set. IMPLEMENTED DIRECTIVES: ----------------------- FORWARD Required by pascal standard. EXTERNAL Call external routine "foo" as "Foo" EXTERN Same as external C Call external routine "foo" as "foo" C_LANGUAGE Same as C. PROGRAM foo; PROCEDURE gotoxy(x,y: Integer); C; BEGIN gotoxy(10,10); (* Call external routine "gotoxy" *) END. SET OPERATIONS: --------------- GPC supports standard Pascal set operations. In addition it supports the extended Pascal set operation symmetric difference (set1 >< set2) operation (a XOR of the set elements). It also has a function that counts the elements in the set: a := card (set1) NOTE: the set operations are still under construction, e.g. the set code does not fully work in the 64 bit Alpha machines. INITIAL VALUES TO TYPE DENOTERS: -------------------------------- A type (or variable) may be initialized to a value of expression when it is declared, as in: program zap; type int10 = integer value 10; footype = real; mytype = char value pred('A'); etype = (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) value d; var ii : int10; (* Value of ii set to 10 *) ch : mytype value pred('z'); aa : integer value ii+10; foo : footype value sqrt(aa); e1 : etype; (* value set to d *) e2 : etype value g; (* value set to g *) begin end. Extended pascal requires the type initializers to be constant expressions. GPC allows any valid expression. Note, however, that the expressions that affect the size of storage allocated for objects (e.g. the length of arrays) may contain variables only inside functions or procedures. GPC evaluates the initial values used for the type when an identifier is declared for that type. If a variable is declared with a type-denoter that uses a type-name which already has an initial value the latter initialization has precedence. @@@@ GPC does not know how to calculate constant values for math functions in the runtime library at compile time, e.g. exp(sin(2.4567)), so you should not use these kind of expressions in object size expressions. (Extended Pascal allows this). DATE AND TIME ROUTINES: ----------------------- Predefined date and time routines: procedure gettimestamp(VAR t: Timestamp); function date(t: Timestamp) : packed array [ 1..DATE_LENGTH ] of char; function time(t: Timestamp) : packed array [ 1..TIME_LENGTH ] of char; DATE_LENGTH and TIME_LENGTH are implementation dependent constants. See E.20 and E.22 in chapter IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT FEATURES to find out these values for GPC. GetTimeStamp(t) fills the record T with values. If they are valid, the boolean flags are set to TRUE. TimeStamp is a required predefined type in extended pascal standard. (It may be extended in an implementation.) The required part of the type looks like: TimeStamp = PACKED RECORD DateValid, TimeValid : Boolean; year : integer; month : 1 .. 12; day : 1 .. 31; hour : 0 .. 23; minute : 0 .. 59; second : 0 .. 59; END; @@@ NOTE: TimeStamp may be later extended in GPC to contain the following fields at the end of the TimeStamp record: Dst_used : Boolean; (* If daylight savings are used *) TimeZone : Integer; (* Positive if WEST, in minutes *) Weekday : 0..6; (* 0 is Sunday *) TimerValid : Boolean; (* Is the following timer valid *) us_Timer : Integer; (* A microsecond timer that is a 32 bit modulus of the timer returned by the system. *) Fields Dst_used, TimeZone and WeekDay will be valid when DateValid is TRUE. Field us_Timer will be valid when TimerValid is TRUE. COMPLEX TYPE AND OPERATIONS: ---------------------------- The following sample programs illustrates most of the COMPLEX type operations. In addition monadic + and - are supported and dyadic +,-,*,/ operations. program complex_test(output); var z1,z2 : complex; len, angle : real; begin z1 := cmplx (2,1); writeln; writeln ('Complex number Z1 is: (',re(z1):1,',',im(z1):1,')'); writeln; z2 := conjugate(z1); { GPC extension } writeln ('Conjugate of Z1 is: (',re(z2):1,',',im(z2):1,')'); writeln; len := abs (z1); angle := arg (z1); writeln ('The polar representation of Z1 is LENGTH=',len:1, ' ANGLE=',angle:1); writeln; z2 := polar (len, angle); writeln ('Converting (LENGTH,ANGLE) back to (X,Y) gives: (', re(z2):1,',',im(z2):1,')'); writeln; writeln ('The following operations operate on the complex number Z1'); writeln; z2 := arctan (z1); writeln ('arctan: R=',re(z2),', I=',im(z2)); z2 := z1 ** 3.141; writeln ('**3.141: R=',re(z2),', I=',im(z2)); { cos, ln, exp, sqrt and sqr exist also } z2 := sin(z1); writeln ('sin: R=',re(z2),', I=',im(z2)); z2 := z1 pow 8; writeln ('POW 8: R=',re(z2),', I=',im(z2)); z2 := z1 pow (-8); writeln ('POW (-8): R=',re(z2),', I=',im(z2)); end. DIRECT ACCESS FILES: -------------------- @@@@ Not tested. @@@@ Write a demo program. type Dfile = file [ 1 .. 100 ] of integer; var F : Dfile; P, N : 1..100; Declares a type for a file that contains 100 integers. The following direct access routines may be applied to a direct access file: SeekRead (F, N); { Open file in Inspection mode, seek to record N } SeekWrite (F, N); { Open file in Generation mode, seek to record N } SeekUpdate (F, N); { Open file in Update mode, seek to record N } Update (F); { Writes F^, position not changed. F^ kept. } p := Position (F); { Return current record number } p := LastPosition (F); { Return the last record number in file } If the file is open for Inspection or Update, GET may be applied. If the file is open for Generation or Update, PUT may be applied. @@@ GPC acts like the file would always start at record number 0, and subtracts/adds the lower index from the record number. If you think this is incorrect, let me know. RESTRICTED TYPES: ----------------- Extended Pascal defines restricted types as: restricted-type = 'restricted' type-name . A value of a restricted type may be passed as a value parameter to a formal parameter possessing its underlying type, or returned as the result of a function. A variable of a restricted type may be passed as a variable parameter to a formal parameter possessing the same type or its underlying type. No other operations, such as accessing a component of a restricted type value or performing arithmetic, are possible. program zap; type unres_rec = record a : integer; end; res = restricted unres_rec; var r1 : unres_rec; r2 : res; i : restricted integer; k : integer; function zap(p : unres_rec) : res; var ures : unres_rec; begin { The parameter is treated as unrestricted, even though the actual parameter may be a restricted object } ures.a := p.a; { Legal to assign a return value } zap := ures; end; { zap } begin r1.a := 354; { Assigning a restricted return value to a restricted object } { @@@ Verify if this should really be allowed????? } r2 := zap(r1); { Passing a restricted object to unrestericted formal parameter is ok } r2 := zap(r2); { *** The following are illegal *** } r2.a := 100; { field access } r1 := r2; { := source is restricted type } r2 := r1; { := target is restricted type } r1 := zap(r2); { := a restricted return value to unrestricted object } i := 16#ffff; { := target is restricted type } k := i + 2; { Arithmetic with restricted type } end. EXTENDED PASCAL MODULES: ------------------------ @@@ Gpc does not yet support: - renaming with '=>' - QUALIFIED interfaces - PROTECTED export variables - ONLY - IMPORT does not work semantically correct. - EXPORT does not work semantically correct. - exported ranges (compiler calls abort()) - module parameter lists Gpc should be able to parse full Extended Pascal module syntax, but the externally visible names include ALL top level declarations in the modules (both interface and implementation). You may load one PROGRAM and several MODULEs to make up one pascal program. A single file may contain zero or more modules and/or zero or one programs. Sample module code with separate INTERFACE and IMPLEMENTATION parts follows: MODULE foobar Interface; (* INTERFACE *) EXPORT catch22 = (footype,setfoo,getfoo); TYPE footype = integer; PROCEDURE setfoo(f: footype); FUNCTION getfoo: footype; END. { module foobar interface } MODULE foobar Implementation; (* IMPLEMENTATION *) IMPORT StandardInput; StandardOutput; VAR foo : footype; { Note: the effect is the same as the Forward directive would have: parameter lists and return types are not "allowed" in the declaration of exported routines. } PROCEDURE setfoo; BEGIN foo := f; END; FUNCTION getfoo; BEGIN getfoo := foo; END; TO BEGIN DO BEGIN foo := 59; writeln ('Just an example of a module initializer. See comment below'); END; TO END DO BEGIN foo := 0; writeln ('Goodbye'); END; END. { foobar implementation } Alternatively the module interface and implementation may be combined as follows: MODULE foobar; (* ALTERNATIVE METHOD *) EXPORT catch22 = (footype,setfoo,getfoo); TYPE footype = integer; PROCEDURE setfoo(f: footype); FUNCTION getfoo: footype; END; { NOTE: this END is required here, even if the module-block below would be empty. } VAR foo : footype; PROCEDURE setfoo; BEGIN foo := f; END; FUNCTION getfoo; BEGIN getfoo := foo; END; END. { module foobar } Either one of the two methods may be used with: PROGRAM what(output); import catch22; BEGIN setfoo (999); writeln (getfoo); END. The INTERFACE has to be in the same file as the program/module that uses it's exported names. Otherwise GPC does not know anything about it and fails to compile the file. @@@ What is the portable way to avoid this? It could be done @@@ with the #include "interface.p" but that is not portable. @@@ Neither is deriving the file name from the interface name. @@@ Suggestions, please. Portable suggestions preferred :-) @@@ @@@ How about making the compiler front end read some user @@@ defined compiling-environment description file that @@@ binds the imported names to some machine specific files @@@ and pass the info to the compiler? This way the source @@@ does not need to have any knowledge of the extenal binding. SOMEWHAT SIMPLER GPC MODULES ARE ALSO SUPPORTED: ------------------------------------------------ Note: this is not supported in Extended Pascal standard. This is a simpler module support that does not require exports, imports, module headers etc. These non-standard simple Gpc modules look like (does not have an export part, does not have a separate module-block, does not use import/export features.) MODULE foobar; TYPE footype = integer; VAR foo: footype; PROCEDURE setfoo(f: footype); BEGIN foo := f; END; FUNCTION getfoo: footype; BEGIN getfoo := foo; END; END. PROGRAM what(output); (* In case the module foobar is loaded from another file *) PROCEDURE setfoo(f: footype); External; FUNCTION getfoo: footype; External; BEGIN setfoo (999); writeln (getfoo); END. MODULE INITIALIZATION AND FINALIZATION: --------------------------------------- TO BEGIN DO module initialization and TO END DO module finalization constructs are supported if the GNU compiler supports constructors and destructors in your target machine. (It always does if you use the GNU Linker). If the initialization and finalizations do not work by default, but you have the GNU Linker, use option -fgnu-linker when compiling the program. I re-implemeted the standard I/O handling and now the input and output can also be used from the initialization and finalization parts. @@@ Try these, send me bug reports. These are not tested. BINDING OF OBJECTS TO EXTERNAL NAMES: ------------------------------------- GPC supports the extended pascal bind,unbind and binding operations when applied to files. The compiler will currently reject binding of other object types (@@@ Perhaps the run time system should do the rejection?) GPC implements extensions to the required predefined record type BindingType: BindingType = PACKED_RECORD Bound : Boolean; Extensions_Valid : Boolean; Writable : Boolean; Readable : Boolean; Existing : Boolean; Error : Integer; { Unused currently } Size : Integer; { # of elements or -1 } Name : String (BINDING_NAME_LENGTH); END; The fields BOUND and NAME are required by the standard. All other fields are extensions. The meaning of the extensions to the BindingType record type, and the value of BINDING_NAME_LENGTH is defined in this document, section IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED FEATURES (E.14). It is a compiler constant, the run time system accepts any length. The Size field is a latest addition to BindingType; I added that because the direct access files actually require that the file is not bigger that the definition; and lastposition(file) does not work before the file is opened. The "Size" field can then be used to determine the size before open, and if the upper bound of the direct access file is a variable one should be able to open files of any size without violating the standard. The following is an example of the binding: program z(input,output,f); var f : text; procedure bindfile (var f : text); var b : BindingType; begin unbind (f); b := binding (f); repeat write ('Enter file name:'); readln (; bind (f, b); b := binding (f); if not b.bound then writeln ('File not bound--try again'); until b.bound; end; begin bindfile (f); (* Now the file F is bound to an external file. * * You can use the implementation defined fields * to check if the file is Readable, Writable and * if it Exists. These are valid if the.Extensions_Valid * field is TRUE. *) end. FUNCTION POINTERS: ------------------ @@ New feature. GPC suports also function pointers and calls through them. This is a non-standard feature. program zap(output); type proc_ptr = ^ procedure (integer); var pvar : proc_ptr; procedure write_int(i: integer); begin writeln ('Integer: ',i:1); end; begin (* PVAR points to function WRITE_IT *) pvar := &write_int; (* Dereferencing a function pointer calls the function *) pvar^(12345); end. STRING CATENATION: ------------------ Gpc supports string catenation with the '+' operator. All string-types are compatible, so you may catenate any chars, fixed length strings and variable length strings with each other. program scat (input, output); var ch : char; str : string(100); str2 : string(50); fstr : packed array [ 1 .. 20 ] of char; begin ch := '$'; fstr := 'demo'; { padded with blanks } write ('Give me some chars to play with: '); readln (str); str := '^' + 'prefix:' + str + ':suffix:' + fstr + ch; writeln ('Len' + 'gth = ', length (str)); writeln (str); end. TYPE QUALIFIERS: ---------------- @@ New feature. @@ Currently gpc runtime does not know anything about these. @@ These may change/or get removed... As an extension, GPC allows you to use type qualifiers: __byte__ : 8 bit integer __short__ : Short integer (16 bits) or real type (32 bits) __long__ : Long integer or real type __longlong__ : long long integer type (64 bits) __unsigned__ : Unsigned INTEGER type The __unsigned__ works for all integer types, also those that have been previously declared with some other type qualifier, like __short__. The other qualifiers do not accept types that have already been modified with a type qualifier. The syntax to use the qualifiers: type-denoter > TYPE-QUALIFIER type-name (The metasymbol > means type-denoter has also other meanings) Most of these should be done with subranges anyway. However, '__short__ real' can not be done like that, neither can '__unsigned__ integer' or '__longlong__ integer'. program zap(output); type byte = __byte__ integer; longint = __long__ integer; float = __short__ real; u_long = __unsigned__ longint; verylong = __longlong__ integer; var i8 : byte; i16 : __short__ integer; foo : u_long; pi : float; big : verylong; begin pi := 3.141592654; i16 := 1000; big := MaxInt * i16; i8 := 127; (* * Hmm, does not work because constant is treated as an integer, * and this is too large. Need a method to specify long constants. * What is the syntax in other Pascal compilers? * foo := 16#deadbeef; *) end. ACCESSING COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS: --------------------------------- The following module accesses the command line with ParamStr and ParamCount functions. These follow the Un*x semantics, so that arg[0] == program name, arg[1] .. arg[ParamCount-1] are the arguments. MODULE command_line interface; EXPORT cmdline = (Max_length, Arg_type, ParamStr, ParamCount); CONST Max_length = 255; { Max length of each argument. If some arg is longer, the run time system traps it. } TYPE Arg_type = String(Max_length); FUNCTION ParamCount: Integer; FUNCTION ParamStr (arg_num: integer): Arg_type; END. { command_line interface } MODULE command_line implementation; { These are in the GPC runtime library } FUNCTION _p_paramcount : Integer; C; FUNCTION _p_paramstr (num: Integer; VAR str: String): Boolean; C; FUNCTION ParamCount; BEGIN ParamCount := _p_paramcount; END; { ParamCount } FUNCTION ParamStr; VAR Str : Arg_type; Success : Boolean; BEGIN Success := _p_paramstr (arg_num, Str); (* Should perhaps do something else on failure. * * Now it returns the empty string, which is also a valid * parameter. *) IF Success THEN ParamStr := Str else ParamStr := ''; END; { ParamStr } END. { command_line implementation } { The program below, when compiled with the interface module and linked with the implementation module, accesses the command line arguments. } program zap (output); import cmdline; var counter : integer; begin writeln ('Program fetches command line arguments and outputs one per line'); writeln ('Max length of each argument is ',Max_Length:1,' characters'); for counter := 0 to ParamCount-1 do writeln ('Command line arg ',counter:1,' is "',paramstr(counter),'"'); end. RUN TIME SYSTEM FLAGS: ---------------------- There are some flags for the run time system, and now that the pascal programs are able to access the command line, the rts flag passing works as described. The run time system command line args are invisible to the user program, unless '-s' rts flag is given. If you want to give flags to the run time system, the FIRST argument has to be (literally): -Grts After this, the run time system recognizes the following args in any order, up to the first arg it does not know. -h : give help of rts flags and exit(1). -d : set internal debugging (incremental) -w : give warnings (I don't know if this is useful) -s : pass also rts flags to user program -i ARG : Pass ARG as one line to the program standard input -a pfile:extname : Associate pascal external file Pfile to file extname -- : Rest of the args are not for the run time system You may give multiple -a options for the same Pfile. They are accessed in order with e.g. "close(pfile); reset(pfile);" Also Input and Output may be bound with -a. If the files bound with -a rts option does not contain the file being opened, the run time system asks the file name from the users terminal. If that is not available, read input from standard input. If that is not available, exit with an error message. You may give multiple '-i ARG' options to stack lines to the 'standard input'. When they run out, the program starts reading the real standard input, if available. (@@@ Does not yet work well :-) HOW TO SEND A BUG REPORT: ------------------------- - Indicate the GCC version, GPC version and the configuration of GCC (what was given to GCC configure script; see file config.status in the GCC compilation directory) - Give an abstract (a few lines) of the nature of the problem. - State only facts in you bug reports. - Try to generate the SHORTEST POSSIBLE sample code that still invokes the bug. If this is not possible, send the bug report anyway. Remember: If you do more work here, others may be able to find out and fix the problem sooner so you can continue your work faster. - Send the info above and all other info you think is useful either to me or the list of gpc testers. My email address: GPC testers list: IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED FEATURES: -------------------------------- The following corresponds to the ISO/IEC 10206 : 1991 standard of the programming language Extended Pascal, Annex E, page 186: E.1 String type may contain any character that is legal in CHAR type and vice versa??? See E.9. E.2 Alternate reference token "@" is supported. vs "^" Alternate comment delimiters "{ }" are supported. vs: "(* *)" Alternate subscripts "(. .)" are supported. vs: "[ ]" E.3 The value of Maxint varies per target machine. It is the maximum value that fits in the target machines integer type, usually 32 bits. E.4 Real-type accuracy and range varies per target machine. Double precision is currently used to represent real-type. E.5 Value of Minreal varies per target machine. E.6 Value of Maxreal varies per target machine. E.7 Value of Epsreal varies per target machine. E.8 The accuracy of real arithmetic operation varies per target machine. E.9 Eight bit ascii codes are used to represent Char type. (@@@@ C-style \-character escapes are supported) E.10 Eight bit ascii codes are used to represent Char type. E.11 Value of Maxchar is 255 (@@@@ Is it really????? On some machines it seems to be 127) E.12 The values of complex type are represented by two real values. See E.4. E.13 The accuracy of complex arithmetic varies per target machine. E.14 The Capacity of the variable length string type in the NAME field of the BindingType record is: 255 characters. E.15 The only external entities supported are of FILE type. The run time system may cache the file modifications until the file is closed. The binding of a name to a file type object has no effect on the file until it is opened, in which case the bound name is used to access the external file. E.16 The binding procedure BIND(F,B) associates the object F with the NAME field of the BindingType parameter B. Currently GPC allows binding of FILE TYPE objects only. When the binding is applied to a file type object, the file must not be opened by the Pascal program. (@@@ Should a file be closed if it is open when bound?). When a bound file is opened with reset,rewrite or extend, the file name bound to the pascal file is used to name the target file in the system. This method has precedence over all other file naming methods (See. E.34) If the required procedure UNBIND(F) is applied to a file type object, the file is first CLOSED if it is open. Then all the bindings existing with the object F are removed. After UNBIND(F), the BIND may be applied to object F again. E.17 The systems notion of the current local date. E.18 The systems notion of the current local wall clock time. E.19 Function `binding(F)' returns the binding state of an object F. If it has been previously bound to an external entity, the returned BindingType record will contain TRUE in the required field BOUND, otherwise it is FALSE. If the BOUND field is true, then the NAME field contains the string where it is bound to. The required record type BindinType is extended with the fields marked with `@'-character in the comment below: BindingType = PACKED RECORD Bound : Boolean; (* required field BOUND *) Extensions_Valid : Boolean; (* @ Extended fields valid? *) Writable : Boolean; (* @ File is WRITABLE *) Readable : Boolean; (* @ File is READABLE *) Existing : Boolean; (* @ File EXISTS *) Error : Integer; (* @ UNUSED currently *) Size : Integer; (* @ # of elements or -1 *) Name : String(255); (* required field NAME *) END; If the BOUND field is FALSE, the required field NAME does not contain valid data. All the extended Boolean type fields are initialized to FALSE. Unbind: See E.16. E.20 The length of the string returned by date(t) is 11 characters. E.21 The three fields returned by date(t) are separated by a space, and they are to be interpreted as follows: 1) two characters as specified by If < 10 the first character is space otherwise it is a digit. 2) three characters from the beginning of the english name of the month as specified by t.month, first letter capitalized, the other two in lower case. 3) The year from t.year Example: '15 Nov 1993' E.22 The length of the string returned by time(t) is 8 characters. E.23 The three fields returned by time(t) are separated by a colon. Each field consists of exactly two digits and they are to be interpreted as follows: 1) The hour from t.hour 2) The minute from t.minute 3) The second from t.second Example: '23:45:05' E.24 TotalWidth for integer type is 10 E.25 TotalWidth for real type is 14 E.26 TotalWidth for boolean type is 6 E.27 ExpDigits varies by the size of the exponent from 2 digits upward. Max size is target dependent. E.28 The exponent character 'e' is used in output. 'E' is also recognized in input. E.29 The case of boolean values output is: " True" and " False" E.30 page(f) outputs the character FORM-FEED (octal 014) E.31 @ The module parameters are currently not bound to external entities. Instead, they are ignored. (@@@ Check this) E.32 The effect of reset, rewrite and extend to textfile INPUT: reset) @@@@ Verify this. rewrite) @@@@ Verify this. extend) @@@@ Verify this. E.33 The effect of reset, rewrite and extend to textfile OUTPUT: @@@@ Vefify these. E.34 External entities (files) are associates to their external representation currently (in order) with: 1) binding the object with bind() procedure. 2) Non-standard extra parameter for rewrite/reset/extend 3) -a Internalname:external-file-name command line switch (See run time system flags) 4) the binding is requested from terminal by the run time system. IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT FEATURES: ---------------------------------- The following corresponds to the ISO/IEC 10206 : 1991 standard of the programming language Extended Pascal, Annex F, page 189: @@@ *** Add info here *** F.1 F.2 F.3 F.4 F.5 F.6 F.7 F.8 F.10 F.11 F.12 F.13 F.14 F.15 F.16 F.17 F.18 RESULTS OF SOME IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT TEST PROGRAMS: ------------------------------------------------------- The programs were run in i486 with Mach 3/CMU UX (BSD) system. Here are the results of the implementation dependent test: ======= p641 ### p641 --> IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED...6.1.7-15 ======= p642 ### p642 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST...6.1.9-5 ALTERNATE SUBSCRIPT BRACKETS IMPLEMENTED ALTERNATE COMMENT DELIMITERS IMPLEMENTED IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED...6.1.9-5 ======= p643 ### p643 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... THE VALUE OF MAXINT IS 2147483647 IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED... ======= p644 ### p644 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... ACCURACY OF UNSIGNED-REAL IS 16 DECIMAL PLACES IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED... ======= p645 ### p645 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... ORDINAL VALUES OF CHARACTERS VALUE CHAR BETWEEN DECIMAL POINTS 65 .A. UPPER CASE LETTER 66 .B. UPPER CASE LETTER 67 .C. UPPER CASE LETTER 68 .D. UPPER CASE LETTER 69 .E. UPPER CASE LETTER 70 .F. UPPER CASE LETTER 71 .G. UPPER CASE LETTER 72 .H. UPPER CASE LETTER 73 .I. UPPER CASE LETTER 74 .J. UPPER CASE LETTER 75 .K. UPPER CASE LETTER 76 .L. UPPER CASE LETTER 77 .M. UPPER CASE LETTER 78 .N. UPPER CASE LETTER 79 .O. UPPER CASE LETTER 80 .P. UPPER CASE LETTER 81 .Q. UPPER CASE LETTER 82 .R. UPPER CASE LETTER 83 .S. UPPER CASE LETTER 84 .T. UPPER CASE LETTER 85 .U. UPPER CASE LETTER 86 .V. UPPER CASE LETTER 87 .W. UPPER CASE LETTER 88 .X. UPPER CASE LETTER 89 .Y. UPPER CASE LETTER 90 .Z. UPPER CASE LETTER 48 .0. DIGIT 49 .1. DIGIT 50 .2. DIGIT 51 .3. DIGIT 52 .4. DIGIT 53 .5. DIGIT 54 .6. DIGIT 55 .7. DIGIT 56 .8. DIGIT 57 .9. DIGIT 43 .+. PLUS 45 .-. MINUS 42 .*. MULTIPLY 47 ./. DIVIDE 61 .=. EQUALS 60 .<. LESS THAN 62 .>. GREATER THAN 46 ... DECIMAL POINT 44 .,. COMMA 58 .:. COLON 59 .;. SEMICOLON 94 .^. UP-ARROW OR COMMERCIAL AT 40 .(. OPEN ROUND BRACKET 41 .). CLOSED ROUND BRACKET 32 . . SPACE 39 .'. APOSTROPHE 97 .a. LOWER CASE LETTER 98 .b. LOWER CASE LETTER 99 .c. LOWER CASE LETTER 100 .d. LOWER CASE LETTER 101 .e. LOWER CASE LETTER 102 .f. LOWER CASE LETTER 103 .g. LOWER CASE LETTER 104 .h. LOWER CASE LETTER 105 .i. LOWER CASE LETTER 106 .j. LOWER CASE LETTER 107 .k. LOWER CASE LETTER 108 .l. LOWER CASE LETTER 109 .m. LOWER CASE LETTER 110 .n. LOWER CASE LETTER 111 .o. LOWER CASE LETTER 112 .p. LOWER CASE LETTER 113 .q. LOWER CASE LETTER 114 .r. LOWER CASE LETTER 115 .s. LOWER CASE LETTER 116 .t. LOWER CASE LETTER 117 .u. LOWER CASE LETTER 118 .v. LOWER CASE LETTER 119 .w. LOWER CASE LETTER 120 .x. LOWER CASE LETTER 121 .y. LOWER CASE LETTER 122 .z. LOWER CASE LETTER IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED... ======= p646 ### p646 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... BETA = 2 T = 53 RND = 1 NGRD = 0 MACHEP = -52 NEGEP = -53 IEXP = 11 MINEXP =-1022 MAXEXP = 1022 EPS = 2.2204460e-16 EPSNEG = 1.1102230e-16 XMIN = 2.2250739e-308 XMAX = 4.4942328e+307 IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED... ======= p647 ### p647 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... ACCURACY OF REAL OPERATIONS IS ABOUT 16 DECIMAL PLACES IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED... ======= p648 ### p648 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... DEFAULT OUTPUT WIDTH FOR REALS TOTALWIDTH DEFAULT VALUE = 14 CHARACTERS IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED... ======= p649 ### p649 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... DEFAULT OUTPUT WIDTH FOR BOOLEANS TOTALWIDTH DEFAULT VALUE = 6 CHARACTERS IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED... ======= p650 ### p650 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... DEFAULT OUTPUT WIDTH FOR INTEGERS TOTALWIDTH DEFAULT VALUE = 10 CHARACTERS IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED... ======= p651 ### p651 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... NUMBER OF DIGITS IN AN EXPONENT EXPDIGITS IS 2 IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED... ======= p652 ### p652 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED EXPONENT CHARACTER IS e LOWER CASE IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED... ======= p653 ### p653 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... CASE OF BOOLEAN VALUES TRUE, FALSE ULLL, ULLLL IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED... ======= p654 ### p654 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... EVALUATION ORDER OF V(.A,B,C.) IS ABC IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT... ======= p655 ### p655 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... NUMBER OF EVALUATIONS OF F IN READ(F,A,B,C) IS 1 IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT... ======= p656 ### p656 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... NUMBER OF EVALUATIONS OF F IN WRITE(F,A,B,C) IS 1 IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT... ======= p657 ### p657 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... ORDER OF EVALUATION OF PACK(A,I,Z) IS AIZ IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT... ======= p658 ### p658 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... ORDER OF EVALUATION OF UNPACK(Z,A,I) IS AIZ IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT... ======= p659 ### p659 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST...6.7.1-11 ORDER OF EVALUATION OF (. A, B, C .) IS ABC IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT...6.7.1-11 ======= p660 ### p660 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST...6.7.1-12 ORDER OF EVALUATION OF (. A..B .) IS AB IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT...6.7.1-12 ======= p661 ### p661 --> IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT...6.7.1-13 ======= p662 ### p662 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST...6.7.1-14 ORDER OF EVALUATION OF (. A .. B .) IS AB IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT...6.7.1-14 ======= p663 ### p663 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... TEST OF SHORT CIRCUIT EVALUATION OF (A AND B) BOTH EXPRESSIONS EVALUATED IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT... ======= p664 ### p664 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... TEST OF SHORT CIRCUIT EVALUATION OF (A OR B) BOTH EXPRESSIONS EVALUATED IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT... ======= p665 ### p665 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST...6.7.3-2 ORDER OF EVALUATION OF F(F(A,B),F(C,D)) IS DCBA IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT...6.7.3-2 ======= p666 ### p666 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... TEST OF BINDING ORDER (A[I] := EXPRESSION) EVALUATION THEN SELECTION IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT... ======= p667 ### p667 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... TEST OF BINDING ORDER (P^ := EXPRESSION) EVALUATION THEN SELECTION IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT... ======= p668 ### p668 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST... ACTUAL PARAMETERS EVALUATED IN REVERSE ORDER IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT... ======= p669 ### p669 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST...6.9.5-3 SEQUENCE CORRESPONDING TO PAGE CHAR, ORD(C)= 12 IMPLEMENTATION DEPENDENT...6.9.5-3 ======= p727 ### p727 --> OUTPUT FROM TEST...6.1.9-6 EQUIVALENT SYMBOL TO UP-ARROW IS IMPLEMENTED IMPLEMENTATION DEFINED...6.1.9-6