Arto Wikla's music examples

Copyright © Arto Wikla
Updated 2.9.2008 / Previous updates 7.4.2008, 15.11.2005.

Here are my solo pieces from two CD's by a Finnish ensemble Köyhät Ritarit (=Poor Knights). In the first CD, apart these solos, I only accompany recorder in three little pieces. In the second I play continuo nearly in all of the songs, too. But as said, here are only my solo pieces from those two recordings.

The wma-files are made by the Windows Media Player. And the mp3's are made from the wma's; so the mp3's cannot be better than the wma's...

These pieces are from the CD "Köyhät Ritarit (Poor Knights) / Sic Transeunt - An Odyssey into Music from Southern Europe through the ages", KVY 3, 1992. I play 10 course lute (Berr-model) made by Stephen Barber 1986.

You'll find these pieces by Ballard and Le Roy also in YouTube and Vimeo! See my page Music videos.

My solo pieces from the Köyhät Ritarit (Poor Knights) CD "Adriano Banchieri Bolognese: 'Festino nella sera del Giovedi Grasso avanti Cena' / 'Barca di Venetia per Padova'", FUGA-9153, 2002.

© Arto Wikla

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