Kesätöitä tietotekniikan alan tutkimusryhmissä (hakuaika 29.2.2016 asti)

Kesätöitä tietotekniikan alan tutkimusryhmissä (hakuaika 29.2.2016 asti)


Tietotekniikan tutkimuksen kesätyöpaikat odottavat opiskelijoita. Tarjolla on useita palkallisia kesätyöpaikkoja tutkimusavustajina erilaisissa tutkimusprojekteissa.

Töitä on tarjolla tietojenkäsittelytieteen ja tietotekniikan opiskelijoille. Joissakin hankkeissa tarjolla on töitä mm. matematiikan, tilastotieteen, kieliteknologian tai kielitieteen opiskelijoille.

Työt sijoittuvat tyypillisesti touko- ja syyskuun väliselle jaksolle, tarkempi alku- ja loppupäivämäärä neuvotellaan tapauskohtaisesti.

Kesätyöpaikkoja tarjoavat:

Tietotekniikan tutkimuslaitos HIIT, Kumpula

Helsingin yliopiston tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos

Hakijoilta edellytetään kandidaatin tutkintoa tai n. 150 opintopisteen kandidaattitason opintoja, hyvää opintomenestystä, kiinnostusta tutkimustyöhön ja oma-aloitteisuutta.

Paikkoja haetaan täyttämällä hakemus sivulla

Hakemuksen liitteeksi tulee ladata kopio opintosuoritusotteesta, sekä jos hakija niin haluaa, korkeintaan yhden sivun CV. Hakuaika päättyy 29.2.2016.


Tutkimusavustajan tehtäviä on saatavilla seuraavilta alueilta: 

Automated linguistic analysis and creativity

Hannu Toivonen,

The Discovery research group carries out research in the areas of computational creativity and data mining. We are now looking for a trainee to join our two projects related to linguistic analysis and creativity, both funded by the Academy of Finland. The ideal candidate will have a background in computer science as well as in language technology or linguistics, and a keen interest into studying computational creativity. More information on Discovery research group:


BCDC - Bright Clouds, Dark Clouds

Jussi Kangasharju,


Constraints, SAT, optimization, exact search algorithms for NP-hard problems

Matti Järvisalo,

Positions are available for both CS and math students; we are looking for talented students interested in putting their skills to the test at top-level research, either with a CS background, especially in algorithms or machine learning; strong implementation skills; or a math background, especially in logic or complexity. Application areas include graphical models, structure discovery, argumentation theory, algorithmic decision theory.


Gene regulatory models

Esko Ukkonen, Jarkko Toivonen


Graphical models, Bayesian learning, approximate inference for high-dimensional models

Jukka Corander,

Positions also available for mathematics and statistics students.


Intelligent systems, machine learning, Big Data

Petri Myllymäki, Teemu Roos,

The work will be done in the Complex Systems Computation Research Group (, which is part of the Finnish Center of Excellence in Computational Inference (


Multi-source probabilistic inference

Arto Klami,
Position available also for statistics students.


Open Source Software development in Lokki project

Programming tasks in the Lokki project for research needs

Tomi Männistö, Fabian Fagerholm,

Lokki is a secure location sharing service for closed groups. It was originally developed by F-Secure Corporation, but was released as Open Source at the end of 2014. The Department of Computer Science has developed Lokki further as an Open Source Project through the Software Factory education and research laboratory. The application was released on Google Play store in 2015. Summer job workers will develop Lokki as a testbed for research on software service development. Tasks include bug fixing, feature development, and changes to the Lokki architecture, to enable flexible service development based on different kinds of user feedback. Applicants are expected to have some familiarity with GitHub, Node.js, Heroku, Travis CI, and Android app development. Also, applicants are expected to have an interest in exploring the relationship between users' wishes and requirements and their technical implementation. The summer job position may also include other tasks related to ongoing research in the Empirical Software Engineering Helsinki research group


Parallel Lempel-Ziv decompression

Simon Puglisi,


Privacy-aware probabilistic modelling

Onur Dikmen, Antti Honkela,


Probabilistic modelling for bacterial strain identification

Antti Honkela,


Summer job available for the RAGE project

Matti Luukkainen,


Summer job available for the Re:Know project

Mats Sjöberg or Markus Koskela,

As part of the Re:Know project a Digital Me platform is already partially operational.

see Digital Me server at The work would

include design and implementation of further loggers and other DiMe related work.


Robot journalism

Hannu Toivonen,

The Discovery research group carries out research in the areas of computational creativity and data mining. We are now looking for a trainee to join our new efforts in the direction of robot journalism, i.e., automated production of reports from given data. The ideal candidate will have background and interest in some combination of text mining/data mining/machine learning, natural language processing/language technology, linguistics, and coding/software. Due to national collaboration, the primary language is Finnish. More information on Discovery research group:


Software tools for DNA sequencing

Esko Ukkonen, Leena Salmela,


WiFiUS: Ubiquitous Video over Dynamic Spectrum

Jussi Kangasharju,


22.02.2016 - 16:33 Päivi A Kuuppelomäki
16.02.2016 - 11:40 Pauliina M J Pajunen