Hallintohenkilökunnan joulu-vuodenvaihde / Holidays of the administrative staff during Christmas and New Year 2018

Administrative Manager Pirjo Mulari 22.12.17 - 2.1.18

Secretary Minna Lauri 27.12.17 - 7.1.18.

HR Coordinator Ritva Karttunen 5.1.18.

HR Coordinator Laura Jensen-Eriksen at work

Project Accountant Leena Kekäläinen 27. - 29.12.17

Project Accountant Tuomo Palosaari 22.12.17 - 2.1.18

Service Coordinator Päivi Lindeman 23.12.17 - 7.1.18

Controller Niko Ossberg 27. - 29.12.17

Research Coordinator Pirjo Moen 23.12.17 - 7.1.18

Education Coordinator Reijo Sivén 27.12.17 - 10.1.18

Head of Studies Kjell Lemström 22.12.17 - 7.1.18

22.12.2017 - 15:47 Minna A Lauri
22.12.2017 - 11:36 Minna A Lauri