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University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science

Department of Computer Science

Seminar: Computational Systems Biology, Spring 07


  • The seminar has been graded. The results can be seen on the 2. floor bulletin board. If you have any questions, visit Juho during his office hours
  • Tentative timetable

General information

Moderators:  Ari Rantanen, Juho Rousu

The seminar will cover some key areas of systems biology from the computational point of view. Tentative topics
  • Reconstruction of biological networks
  • Metabolic engineering at system level
  • Signal transduction
  • Protein interaction
  • Gene regulation
  • Global properties of  biological systems
  • Integration and visualization of heterogenous data
To obtain 3 credit units (2 study weeks)  a student will
  1. give a presentation based on one or few research articles;
  2. return a draft of the seminar report based on the same article(s) at least one week before the presentation and the final version of the report one week after the presentation; and
  3. be an opponent in one presentation given by a fellow student and otherwise participate actively to discussions in the seminar.

Time and place

17.1. - 25.4. 2007, Wednesdays, 14 - 16 , C221
Click here for timetable


Presentations can be based on the following articles. (From Here you'll find instructions to obtain an access to the articles from your home computer. The instructions are in Finnish. OpenVPN software required for the access can be downloaded from here.)

Reconstruction of biological networks (1 presentation)

Reconstruction of metabolic networks (1 - 5 presentations)

Reconstruction of genetic interaction networks (1 - 5 presentations)

Metabolic engineering at system level (0 - 2 presentations)

Global properties and robustness of biological systems (1 - 5 presentations)

Metabolomics (1 - 3 presentations)

Integration and visualization of heterogenous data (0 -2 presentations)

Seminar report

  • Seminar report will follow the guide lines given for an essay in the course scientific writing.
    • about 10 pages long
    • Abstract, proper citations (unlike in this page!)
  • The draft of the seminar report will be send to Ari via e-mail ( in pdf format no later than one week before the oral presentation.
    • The draft will be linked to the home page of  the seminar.
  • The presenter will edit the report besed on the comments given by the opponent, moderators and other audience. The final version of the report will be send to Ari no later than one week after the oral presentation.
  • The report will be written in English.

Oral presentation

  • The length of the oral presentation is 45 - 60 minutes.
  • The presentation is followed (and  also interrupted)  by a lively discussion, catalyzed by the opponent.
  • The language of the presentation is English.

Being an opponent

  • The moderators of the seminar will name 1 - n opponents for each presentation.
  • Everyone will be an opponent for at least one presentation.
  • The opponent will give written constructive feedback (comments, questions) to the draft of the seminar report no later than 48 hours before the oral presentation. The feedback will be send via e-mail to the moderators and to the presenter.
    • Is there something unclear in the draft?
    • What are the most/less interesting parts of the report considering the upcoming oral presentation?
    • Also positive feedback is welcomed!
    • For Finnish presenters comments will be written either in Finnish or in English. For foreign presenters comments will be written in English.
  • The discussion after the oral presentation starts with a couple of comments and questions by the opponent.

Instructions for presenters

Here are some general guidelines you should follow when preparing your seminar report and presentation.
  • Remember what you have learned in the course scientific writing. Especially, check an example for formatting your report. Also, you can load CS Latex style from the www-page of the course.
  • Your primary task is  to give an understandable and complete presentation about  the computational methods applied in the original articles. Sometimes the computation is described in the appendices or in different papers. Read these, too!
  • Remember to give an introduction to general computational methods (ICA, MILP, linear programming...) used in the articles. If the method is not covered in the obligatory Bachelor level CS courses or earlier in the seminar, you should give at least a brief overview to the method.
  • Do not be afraid of  presenting your own conclusions, as long as they are based on the "scientific method".
  • Make sure that the audience sufficiently understands the biological problem that is being solved before you go into techical stuff. Introduce  biological terminology before use.
  • Give examples and illustrations.
  • Make sure that the audience understands the experimental setting when you describe empirical results.
  • Do not base your report or your presentation to a single article. Follow the references in the primary article(s), use search engines etc.
  • Do not copy-paste original articles to the report. Write a commentary: discuss the soundness and the practicality of the methods presented in the papers, compare the presented methods to the methods introduced earlier in the seminar or some other known methods, comment on the validity of experimental settings etc.
  • Try to be constructive in your feedback to the presenter. Every  presentation has something good and something that can be improved.