Welcome to the University, event for non-Finnish-speaking employees

Tapahtuman tyyppi: 
Muu tilaisuus
17.09.2013 - 09:00 - 13:00
City Center Campus, Main Building, Runeberg hall 2nd floor, Fabianinkatu 33

The session will be conducted by representatives of the
administration of the University. The topics of the session include:

- Information on International Staff Services
- The administration, decision-making, mission and vision of the University
- The University as employer, basic employment issues
- Hobbies and activities at the University and in Helsinki
- Information on services at UH
- Wellbeing at work
- Campus tour (13-14)


-  If you are on the University payroll please register in the Henkka staff training system here: www.helsinki.fi/henkilostokoulutuskalenteri


-  if you are not on the University payroll please register here:    https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/43284/lomake.html

Registration deadline: Tuesday 10th of September

Please inform your colleagues and research fellows about the event.

Warmly welcome!

Further information:
Jaana Nylund
Human Resources Specialist
+358 50 4160415

20.08.2013 - 14:07 Marina Kurtén
19.08.2013 - 10:29 Marina Kurtén