CatNiP prefinal
Sähköinen nuottikirja, HY-TKTKL-OHTUPROJ KESÄ11
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CatNiPAppDelegateApplication delegate for the CatNiP application
<CatNiPErrorConsumer>Protocol defining the mandatory methods for a CatNipErrorConsumer object Created by Antti V J Niemela, tkol on 6/16/11
CatNiPErrorManagerAn error forwarding class for CatNiP
CompositionDataData type for managing all scores associated with one composition
DetailPopoverControllerShows all the details for the chosen score in tableview
IMSLPDelegateDataSourceDelegate and datasource for CatNipViewController's tableviews' when LIBRARYTYPE == IMSLP
IMSLPQueryHelperA combination of factory methods and helper object instance methods which facilitate the reading of data from the Internet Music Score Library Project, a MediaWiki site containing music scores
LocalDataHandlerLocalDataHandler.m CatNiP
LocalDelegateDataSourceDelegate and datasource for CatNipViewController's tableviews' when LIBRARYTYPE == LOCAL
LocalScoreDataLocal data type for managing local score's and their metadata
MediaWikiCategoryQueryEncapsulates a MediaWiki API category query
<MediaWikiCategoryQueryDelegate>Protocol defining the required methods for a MediaWikiCategoryQueryDelegate
MediaWikiDownloadMediaWikiDownload saves a remote file to local storage
<MediaWikiDownloadDelegate>Protocol defining the required methods of a MediaWikiDownloadDelegate
MediaWikiPageQueryMediaWikiPageQueries do regular-expression -based wikitext parsing, reading IMSLP score information
<MediaWikiPageQueryDelegate>Protocol defining the required methods for a MediaWikiPageQueryDelegate
<MediaWikiProgressListener>Protocol defining the required methods of a MediaWikiProgressListener
MediaWikiQueryA basic URL fetch class that reads the given URL into an NSData object and passes it on to it's delegate once the process has finished
<MediaWikiQueryDelegate>Protocol defining the required methods of a MediaWikiQueryDelegate
PlaylistLocal data type from saving user managed playlists
PlaylistPopoverControllerController of playlist popovers
PlaylistsDelegateDataSourceDelegate and datasource for CatNipViewController's tableviews' when LIBRARYTYPE == PLAYLISTS
ScoreDataData type for managing IMSLP score datas for queries and saving them locally
ScoreListButtonButton for ScorePopoverController's 'Details', 'Cancel' and 'Download'/'Add to playlist' buttons
ScorePopoverControllerController for popover that shows all the scores for the chosen compositionData object
UIDocumentAn abstract, immutable class for displaying document data
UIDocumentPDFA concrete subclass of UIDocument that handles PDF type documents
UIDocumentViewA sister class of UIImageView for viewing documents
UIScoreViewA view object for displaying musical scores
UIScrollBarA scroll bar for use with scroll view objects
ValueButtonA simple extension of UIButton, intended to facilitate the transfer of a single value to the click handling method
ValueTextFieldA simple extension of UITextField that allows the text field to know what it's editing
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