fop 0.93

Class PDFFunction

  extended byorg.apache.fop.pdf.PDFObject
      extended byorg.apache.fop.pdf.PDFFunction

public class PDFFunction
extends PDFObject

class representing a PDF Function. PDF Functions represent parameterized mathematical formulas and sampled representations with arbitrary resolution. Functions are used in two areas: device-dependent rasterization information for halftoning and transfer functions, and color specification for smooth shading (a PDF 1.3 feature). All PDF Functions have a FunctionType (0,2,3, or 4), a Domain, and a Range.

Field Summary
protected  int bitsPerSample
          Required for Type 0: Number of Bits used to represent each sample value.
protected  java.util.List bounds
          Optional for Type 3: An array of (k-1) Doubles that, in combination with Domain, define the intervals to which each function from the Functions array apply.
protected  java.util.List cOne
          Required For Type 2: An Array of n Doubles defining the function result when x=1.
protected  java.util.List cZero
          Required For Type 2: An Array of n Doubles defining the function result when x=0.
protected  java.util.List decode
          Optional for Type 0: A 2 * n array of Doubles which provides a linear mapping of sample values to the range.
protected  java.util.List domain
          Required: 2 * m Array of Double numbers which are possible inputs to the function
protected  java.util.List encode
          Optional for Type 0: A 2 * m array of Doubles which provides a linear mapping of input values to the domain.
protected  java.util.List filter
          Required (possibly) For Type 0: A vector of Strings for the various filters to be used to decode the stream.
protected  java.lang.StringBuffer functionDataStream
          Required For Type 4: Postscript Calculator function composed of arithmetic, boolean, and stack operators + boolean constants
protected  java.util.List functions
          Required for Type 3: An vector of PDFFunctions which form an array of k single input functions making up the stitching function.
protected  int functionType
          Required: The Type of function (0,2,3,4) default is 0.
protected  double interpolationExponentN
          Required for Type 2: The interpolation exponent.
protected  int order
          Optional for Type 0: order of interpolation between samples.
protected  java.util.List range
          Required: 2 * n Array of Double numbers which are possible outputs to the function
protected  java.util.List size
          Required: Array containing the Integer size of the Domain and Range, respectively.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFObject
Constructor Summary
PDFFunction(int theFunctionType, java.util.List theDomain, java.util.List theRange, java.util.List theSize, int theBitsPerSample, int theOrder, java.util.List theEncode, java.util.List theDecode, java.lang.StringBuffer theFunctionDataStream, java.util.List theFilter)
          create an complete Function object of Type 0, A Sampled function.
PDFFunction(int theFunctionType, java.util.List theDomain, java.util.List theRange, java.util.List theCZero, java.util.List theCOne, double theInterpolationExponentN)
          create an complete Function object of Type 2, an Exponential Interpolation function.
PDFFunction(int theFunctionType, java.util.List theDomain, java.util.List theRange, java.util.List theFunctions, java.util.List theBounds, java.util.List theEncode)
          create an complete Function object of Type 3, a Stitching function.
PDFFunction(int theFunctionType, java.util.List theDomain, java.util.List theRange, java.lang.StringBuffer theFunctionDataStream)
          create an complete Function object of Type 4, a postscript calculator function.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
          Check if this function is equal to another object.
 byte[] toPDF()
          represent as PDF.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.fop.pdf.PDFObject
encode, encodeString, encodeText, formatDateTime, getDocument, getDocumentSafely, getGeneration, getObjectID, getObjectNumber, hasObjectNumber, output, referencePDF, setDocument, setObjectNumber, toPDFString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int functionType
Required: The Type of function (0,2,3,4) default is 0.


protected java.util.List domain
Required: 2 * m Array of Double numbers which are possible inputs to the function


protected java.util.List range
Required: 2 * n Array of Double numbers which are possible outputs to the function


protected java.util.List size
Required: Array containing the Integer size of the Domain and Range, respectively. Note: This is really more like two seperate integers, sizeDomain, and sizeRange, but since they're expressed as an array in PDF, my implementation reflects that.


protected int bitsPerSample
Required for Type 0: Number of Bits used to represent each sample value. Limited to 1,2,4,8,12,16,24, or 32


protected int order
Optional for Type 0: order of interpolation between samples. Limited to linear (1) or cubic (3). Default is 1


protected java.util.List encode
Optional for Type 0: A 2 * m array of Doubles which provides a linear mapping of input values to the domain. Required for Type 3: A 2 * k array of Doubles that, taken in pairs, map each subset of the domain defined by Domain and the Bounds array to the domain of the corresponding function. Should be two values per function, usually (0,1), as in [0 1 0 1] for 2 functions.


protected java.util.List decode
Optional for Type 0: A 2 * n array of Doubles which provides a linear mapping of sample values to the range. Defaults to Range.


protected java.lang.StringBuffer functionDataStream
Required For Type 4: Postscript Calculator function composed of arithmetic, boolean, and stack operators + boolean constants


protected java.util.List filter
Required (possibly) For Type 0: A vector of Strings for the various filters to be used to decode the stream. These are how the string is compressed. Flate, LZW, etc.


protected java.util.List cZero
Required For Type 2: An Array of n Doubles defining the function result when x=0. Default is [0].


protected java.util.List cOne
Required For Type 2: An Array of n Doubles defining the function result when x=1. Default is [1].


protected double interpolationExponentN
Required for Type 2: The interpolation exponent. Each value x will return n results. Must be greater than 0.


protected java.util.List functions
Required for Type 3: An vector of PDFFunctions which form an array of k single input functions making up the stitching function.


protected java.util.List bounds
Optional for Type 3: An array of (k-1) Doubles that, in combination with Domain, define the intervals to which each function from the Functions array apply. Bounds elements must be in order of increasing magnitude, and each value must be within the value of Domain. k is the number of functions. If you pass null, it will output (1/k) in an array of k-1 elements. This makes each function responsible for an equal amount of the stitching function. It makes the gradient even.

Constructor Detail


public PDFFunction(int theFunctionType,
                   java.util.List theDomain,
                   java.util.List theRange,
                   java.util.List theSize,
                   int theBitsPerSample,
                   int theOrder,
                   java.util.List theEncode,
                   java.util.List theDecode,
                   java.lang.StringBuffer theFunctionDataStream,
                   java.util.List theFilter)
create an complete Function object of Type 0, A Sampled function. Use null for an optional object parameter if you choose not to use it. For optional int parameters, pass the default.

theDomain - List objects of Double objects. This is the domain of the function. See page 264 of the PDF 1.3 Spec.
theRange - List objects of Double objects. This is the Range of the function. See page 264 of the PDF 1.3 Spec.
theSize - A List object of Integer objects. This is the number of samples in each input dimension. I can't imagine there being more or less than two input dimensions, so maybe this should be an array of length 2. See page 265 of the PDF 1.3 Spec.
theBitsPerSample - An int specifying the number of bits used to represent each sample value. Limited to 1,2,4,8,12,16,24 or 32. See page 265 of the 1.3 PDF Spec.
theOrder - The order of interpolation between samples. Default is 1 (one). Limited to 1 (one) or 3, which means linear or cubic-spline interpolation. This attribute is optional. See page 265 in the PDF 1.3 spec.
theEncode - List objects of Double objects. This is the linear mapping of input values intop the domain of the function's sample table. Default is hard to represent in ascii, but basically [0 (Size0 1) 0 (Size1 1)...]. This attribute is optional. See page 265 in the PDF 1.3 spec.
theDecode - List objects of Double objects. This is a linear mapping of sample values into the range. The default is just the range. This attribute is optional. Read about it on page 265 of the PDF 1.3 spec.
theFunctionDataStream - The sample values that specify the function are provided in a stream. This is optional, but is almost always used. Page 265 of the PDF 1.3 spec has more.
theFilter - This is a vector of String objects which are the various filters that have are to be applied to the stream to make sense of it. Order matters, so watch out. This is not documented in the Function section of the PDF 1.3 spec, it was deduced from samples that this is sometimes used, even if we may never use it in FOP. It is added for completeness sake.
theFunctionType - This is the type of function (0,2,3, or 4). It should be 0 as this is the constructor for sampled functions.


public PDFFunction(int theFunctionType,
                   java.util.List theDomain,
                   java.util.List theRange,
                   java.util.List theCZero,
                   java.util.List theCOne,
                   double theInterpolationExponentN)
create an complete Function object of Type 2, an Exponential Interpolation function. Use null for an optional object parameter if you choose not to use it. For optional int parameters, pass the default.

theDomain - List objects of Double objects. This is the domain of the function. See page 264 of the PDF 1.3 Spec.
theRange - List of Doubles that is the Range of the function. See page 264 of the PDF 1.3 Spec.
theCZero - This is a vector of Double objects which defines the function result when x=0. This attribute is optional. It's described on page 268 of the PDF 1.3 spec.
theCOne - This is a vector of Double objects which defines the function result when x=1. This attribute is optional. It's described on page 268 of the PDF 1.3 spec.
theInterpolationExponentN - This is the inerpolation exponent. This attribute is required. PDF Spec page 268
theFunctionType - The type of the function, which should be 2.


public PDFFunction(int theFunctionType,
                   java.util.List theDomain,
                   java.util.List theRange,
                   java.util.List theFunctions,
                   java.util.List theBounds,
                   java.util.List theEncode)
create an complete Function object of Type 3, a Stitching function. Use null for an optional object parameter if you choose not to use it. For optional int parameters, pass the default.

theDomain - List objects of Double objects. This is the domain of the function. See page 264 of the PDF 1.3 Spec.
theRange - List objects of Double objects. This is the Range of the function. See page 264 of the PDF 1.3 Spec.
theFunctions - A List of the PDFFunction objects that the stitching function stitches. This attributed is required. It is described on page 269 of the PDF spec.
theBounds - This is a vector of Doubles representing the numbers that, in conjunction with Domain define the intervals to which each function from the 'functions' object applies. It must be in order of increasing magnitude, and each must be within Domain. It basically sets how much of the gradient each function handles. This attributed is required. It's described on page 269 of the PDF 1.3 spec.
theEncode - List objects of Double objects. This is the linear mapping of input values intop the domain of the function's sample table. Default is hard to represent in ascii, but basically [0 (Size0 1) 0 (Size1 1)...]. This attribute is required. See page 270 in the PDF 1.3 spec.
theFunctionType - This is the function type. It should be 3, for a stitching function.


public PDFFunction(int theFunctionType,
                   java.util.List theDomain,
                   java.util.List theRange,
                   java.lang.StringBuffer theFunctionDataStream)
create an complete Function object of Type 4, a postscript calculator function. Use null for an optional object parameter if you choose not to use it. For optional int parameters, pass the default.

theDomain - List object of Double objects. This is the domain of the function. See page 264 of the PDF 1.3 Spec.
theRange - List object of Double objects. This is the Range of the function. See page 264 of the PDF 1.3 Spec.
theFunctionDataStream - This is a stream of arithmetic, boolean, and stack operators and boolean constants. I end up enclosing it in the '{' and '}' braces for you, so don't do it yourself. This attribute is required. It's described on page 269 of the PDF 1.3 spec.
theFunctionType - The type of function which should be 4, as this is a Postscript calculator function
Method Detail


public byte[] toPDF()
represent as PDF. Whatever the FunctionType is, the correct representation spits out. The sets of required and optional attributes are different for each type, but if a required attribute's object was constructed as null, then no error is raised. Instead, the malformed PDF that was requested by the construction is dutifully output. This policy should be reviewed.

toPDF in class PDFObject
the PDF string.


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Check if this function is equal to another object. This is used to find if a particular function already exists in a document.

obj - the obj to compare
true if the functions are equal

fop 0.93

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