
The transformation engine


Interface Summary
Engine An engine, compiles a stylesheet
ExtensionHandler for extension functions -- i think
LoadContext maintains a list of a few options for how a XMLProcessor constructs an object model
OutputMethod collects the attributes on the xsl:stylesheet element which determine the type of output we are to produce
ParameterSet a place to obtain run-time parameters from the execution environment
ProcessContext Processing context for a Stylesheet (Sheet) maintains state for a transformation, and actually does some of the transformation work by calling invoke() on Actions
Result the place where a transformer sends its results
Sheet Represents a (compiled) XSLT stylesheet.
XMLProcessor Constructs an object model form an XML document

Class Summary
EngineImpl compiles a stylesheet from a (XSLT D)OM
KeyDefinition represents the top-level element xsl:key which defines a named lookup table for nodes XSLT 1.0 section 12.2
ResultFragmentVariantBase a result tree fragment, I guess used as a variable or param?
SortNodeSetExpr sorts a node list before returning them from a nested expression

Exception Summary

Package Description

The transformation engine

This package provides facilities for parsing and "compiling" XSLT stylesheets as well as executing the stylesheet with a source document to effect a transformation.