Re: loop-6 patch and 2.4.2

Barry K. Nathan (
Fri, 23 Feb 2001 18:44:01 -0800 (PST)

Steven King wrote:
> On Friday 23 February 2001 10:50, Mohammad A. Haque wrote:
> > Is anyone else using 2.4.2 patched with loop-6? Does load goto about 1
> > and stay there even though mounting things via loop seem to work fine?
> Yes, and with 2 mounts the load avg goes ~2; after umounting, it goes back
> to normal levels.

You can observe with ps that each thread for each mounted loop device
increases the load by 1; here's the output from "ps ax | fgrep loop" on my
Dell Inspiron 5000e:

13 ? DW< 0:28 [loop1]
115 ? DW< 0:57 [loop0]
116 ? DW< 0:58 [loop2]
2816 pts/4 S 0:00 fgrep loop

Since I have 3 image files mounted, that means my Inspiron 5000e has a load
of 3 when it's idle... ;)

-Barry K. Nathan <>
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