Programming in C (with Aalto)

Software Systems
Intermediate studies
Kurssilla opitaan ohjelmoimaan standardin mukaisella C-kielellä. Esitietoina oletetaan Tietorakenteet ja algoritmit sekä Aineopintojen harjoitustyö: Ohjelmointi. Kurssin harjoitukset alkavat jo ensimmäisellä viikolla ja ne tehdään ohjelmointipajassa. Kurssiin ei enää liity harjoitustyötä, vaan pajatyöskentely sisältää sekä harjoitukset että harjoitustyön. Kurssilla oletetaan, että jokaisella on käytössä jokin C-oppikirja, esim. Müldner, T.: C for Java Programmers, Addison-Wesley, 2000, tai Kernighan B.W. & Ritchie D.M.: The C Programming Language (2nd ed.), Prentice Hall, 1988. (ANSI C edition).
Year Semester Date Period Language In charge
2016 summer 09.06-31.08. 5-6 English Tiina Niklander


C programming course is offered as on-line mooc course this Summer.



"Welcome to Aalto University’s massive open online course (MOOC) on C programming!

This course will teach you the basics of the C programming language. There are no special prerequisites, but some previous programming experience will be helpful. Students that have taken the Java MOOC classes offered by are more than well equipped to tackle this course, but the contents of the Java course are not prerequisites.

The course includes comprehensive online materials and plenty of programming exercises, each tested using our automatic testing service Test My Code. If you have previously taken the Java MOOC, then you should be familiar with most of the tools used.

The course is presented to you jointly by the Aalto University and the University of Helsinki, and the material is identical to the C programming courses offered by said universities.."


If you want to gain credits at the University of Helsinki, you must also register to the course using ILMO.

Completing the course

In addition to doing the mooc course and its exercises, you also need to pass the exam either on September 9 or earlier, if an extra exam event is organised on the latest week of August.

The decision about the possible exam in August will be made in the midlle of August, when we have an estimate about the number of students on the course. If there are only few students, no extra exam will be given, but everyone will participate on the September exam.


Grading will be based on both mooc exercises and the exam. You need to gain at least half of hte exam points, but you will not be able to pass the course only by the exam without mooc points. See a more detailed information about the points from previous year courses ( C programming of C programming with Aalto).

Literature and material