Functional Programming Principles in Scala, Martin Odersky's MOOC available for our students

Prof. Martin Odersky from EPFL (Lausanne, Sveitsi) hosts a MOOC in Scala programming (Coursera) starting on September 18:


Pietu Pohjalainen, teacher at our department, follows the course and organizes a local evaluation (=exam)  after the course. Successful completion is equivalent to our course Programming in Scala. Number of credits (ECTS) will be decided during the course; it will be equivalent to the workload according to our university's principles. The pre-announced effort estimate results the amount of credits to equal to 2 ECTS.

To attend, first sign up to the course at Coursera web site. You'll receive the credit units after attending to the department's exam and you've shown the Coursera certificate to the instructor. (The deadline for the Coursera excercises is after the exam date). The exam time is at 16.11.2012 from 4 PM to 8 PM in classroom A111. Note! This is the only scheduled exam for the course!

Grading: 50% of points will be based on Coursera exercises, 50% is based on the exam.

Evaluator: Pietu Pohjalainen, pohjalai [ät]



09.11.2012 - 15:57 A Pietu Pohjalainen
27.08.2012 - 15:05 Jaakko E Kurhila