
C++ concepts: AssociativeContainer

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An AssociativeContainer is an ordered Container that provides fast lookup of objects based on keys.

[edit] Requirements


X Container type
a Object of type X
a_uniq Object in X when X supports unique keys
a_eq Object in X when X supports multiple keys
a_trans Object in X when type X::key_compare::is_transparent exists
i, j InputIterators denoting a valid range
p const_iterator to a
q dereferenceable const_iterator to a
q1, q2 const_iterators denoting a valid range in a
il std::initializer_list<value_type>
t Object of type X::value_type
k Object of type X::key_type
c Object of type X::key_compare
A Storage allocator used by X, or std::allocator_type<X::value_type>
m Allocator of a type convertible to A
expression return type pre/requirements post/effects complexity
X::key_type Key Key is Destructible compile time
X::key_compare Compare compile time
X::value_compare a type satisfying BinaryPredicate key_compare for std::set and std::multiset; an ordering relation over Key for std::map and std::multimap compile time
X(c), X a(c); key_compare is CopyConstructible Construct an empty container using a copy of c as key_comp constant
X(), X a; key_compare is CopyConstructible Construct an empty container using a Compare() as key_comp constant
X(i, j, c), X a(i, j, c); key_compare is CopyConstructible and value_type is EmplaceConstructible into X from *i Constructs an empty container using a copy of c as key_comp and inserts all elements from the range [i; j) generally N log N, or N if [i, j) is sorted (where N is std::distance(i, j))
X(i, j), X a(i, j); key_compare is CopyConstructible and value_type is EmplaceConstructible into X from *i Constructs an empty container using a Compare() as key_comp and inserts all elements from the range [i; j) generally N log N, or N if [i, j) is sorted according to value_comp() (where N is std::distance(i, j))
X(il); Equivalent to X(il.begin(), il.end()); Equivalent to X(il.begin(), il.end());
a = il X& T is CopyInsertable into X and also CopyAssignable Assign the range [il.begin(), il.end()) into a. Elements of a that were not assigned to are destroyed generally N log N, or N if [il.begin(), il.end()) is sorted according to value_comp() (where N is il.size() + a.size())
a.key_comp() X::key_compare The comparison object with which a was constructed is returned. constant
a.value_comp() X::value_compare An object of type X::value_compare constructed out of the comparison object is returned. constant

An AssociativeContainer X that is either std::map and std::multimap additionally supports the expression X::mapped_type, which has a return type of T, with the requirement that T be Destructible, and compile time complexity.

[edit] AssociativeContainers in the standard library

collection of unique keys, sorted by keys
(class template) [edit]
collection of keys, sorted by keys
(class template) [edit]
collection of key-value pairs, sorted by keys, keys are unique
(class template) [edit]
collection of key-value pairs, sorted by keys
(class template) [edit]