Package mavis.gui

Interface Summary
Plot Interface for all the plots to implement

Class Summary
AbstractPlot Abstract class that implements general construction of a graphical plot.
ComponentFlasher Timer used for flashing a JComponent background light red (or given color), for 100 ms (or given time).
DataPrintPanel Creates layout from measurement values to be printed.
DifferenceVectorTableModel Handles the showing of a project's difference vector list.
FileActionsPanel Creates a history/autocomplete field (browserField) for choosing the save directory, a button for saving the component table, a button for printing and checkboxes to choose which components will be printed.
FittedComboBoxRenderer Fits the contents of a ComboBox list to a components width by shortening the text.
GenericFileFilter A FileFilter for a FileChooser.
GraphPrintPanel Creates layout from Plots to be printed.
IntensityPlot Implements intensity graph plot.
MagneticComponentPanel Shows the magnetic components of a project and provides controls for removing these components.
MagneticComponentTableModel This is basically an intermediate wrapper for the data in the actual JTable table which is found in the MagneticComponentPanel.
MainMenuBar Creates Menu items for Menubar and makes action listeners for them.
MainStatusBar Creates its components and listens project events on status change and calculates estimated time for measurement
MainViewPanel Creates the main view panels (split panels) and Project components.
MeasurementDetailsPanel Shows the details of the active measurement step.
MeasurementSequencePanel Displays the measurement step data of a project.
MeasurementSequenceTableModel Handles the showing and editing of a project's measurement sequence.
NullableDecimalFormat Decimal format that accepts an empty string.
PositiveDecimalFormat Decimal format for only positive decimal numbers.
PrintPanel Creates layout from MeasurementSequence and Plots to be printed.
ProjectComponent Common superclass for components which use a Project and listen to MeasurementEvents, ProjectEvents and SessionEvents.
ProjectExplorerPanel Creates a history/autocomplete field (browserField) for choosing the project directory, a listing of project files in that directory (explorerTable).
ProjectExplorerTable Creates a list of project files in directory.
ProjectInformationPanel Allows inserting and editing project information.
SettingsDialog Opens dialog and creates DeviceSettingsPanel
StereoPlot Implements stereographic plot
StyledCellEditor CellEditor to compliment StyledTableCellRenderer.
StyledTableCellRenderer Class for rendering individual cells in a JTable with customized colors and fonts.
StyledWrapper Wrapper class for holding the value to be rendered and its style parameters.
ZijderveldPlot Draws ZijderveldPlot and accompanying component-vector according to steps given.

Enum Summary
ComponentColumn Represents a column in the magnetic component table.
SequenceColumn Represents a column in the measurement sequence table.