Bulletin on pandemic vaccinations and booking an appointment

If you are a permanent employee of the University you may, if you wish, to get a pandemic vaccination (swine flu) through our Occupational Health services. Vaccinations are also available at your local health centres.

Vaccination through the Occupational Health Services takes place on campus (see below). You need to book an appointment on the form via the link below. Vaccine will be ordered according to the number of appointments only. Making an appointment is binding.

Kumpula Campus, Exactum, Mehiläinen Occupational Healh Service, Monday 25.1.010 at 12 - 15

More opportunities to get the vaccination will be organized if necessary.

Occupational Well-Being Unit

Appointment form: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/19127/lomake.html

20.01.2010 - 15:22 Webmaster
14.01.2010 - 17:11 Webmaster