me@tktl 08/07

Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitoksen verkkolehti


The PhD defense was enjoyable for Oriana Riva

New PhD Simone Leggio is into practical research

Opiskelijoiden organisoima tukiopetus syntyi kyselemättömyydestä



Aiemmat numerot


Opiskelijoiden organisoima tukiopetus syntyi kyselemättömyydestä

Vuosi sitten joukko tietojenkäsittelytieteen opiskelijoita ei kyennyt sisäistämään Diskreetin matematiikan kurssilla opetettua. Tehtävät olivat vaikeita siihen nähden miten asiat selitettiin luennoilla. Syntyi vapaamuotoinen opintopiiri.

Tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitos lähti mukaan tukemaan toimintaa viime keväänä tarjoamalla tilat tukiopetukseen.

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The PhD defense was enjoyable for Oriana Riva

Oriana Riva defended her PhD dissertation "Middleware for Mobile Sensing Applications in Urban Environments" on 2nd November, and enjoyed the experience.

-It was a day I will always remember. I was surprised when during the defense I realized I was having fun. I couldn't believe it! I also liked my "karonkka" and, of course, had a very Italian speech. I could have spoken for hours...

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Venäläisiä vieraita. Kolmisenkymmentä korkeakoulujen edustajaa eri puolilta Venäjää kuunteli esityksiä laitoksemme verkko-opetuksesta 26.11.

New PhD Simone Leggio is into practical research

In 2001, Simone Leggio won an Erasmus scholarship, and asked a professor in his home institution University of Catania , Sicily , about a good place to write his Master's thesis. Simone was recommended to contact Kimmo Raatikainen, and so in October he arrived to Helsinki . He had to return to Italy after his MSc, but he agreed with Kimmo to come back for PhD.

- I have always been working on area of Internet data communication, although my Master's thesis was about a completely different subject, says Simone who defended his doctoral thesis “A Decentralized Session Management Framework for Heterogeneous Ad-Hoc and Fixed Networks” on 17 th November.

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