The university’s 375th jubilee

The university will celebrate its 375th anniversary next year. Now it is time for all members of the university to give their proposals for the jubilee programme.

During the 375th anniversary year, both university members and alumni, as well as citizens of Helsinki will be able to enjoy academic substance and different happenings. In the compilation for the jubilee, the university is shown as a builder of social wellbeing. The topics include environmental change, health and medicine, future learning, Helsinki in a global perspective, and the world order and world view.

- We want to create a rich programme in cooperation with students, researchers and the whole staff. The jubilee concerns us all, and during the spring the university members can give their proposals for the anniversary programme, says producer Paula Arvas.

The Thinkfest around town

As the jubilee year progresses, four main events will be organised. On the 21st January, there is an opening  event for staff and students, and in March there will be an anniversary (26th March) celebration for the university.  At the time of the opening of the academic year, the Thinkfest, an urban celebration  of thinking and science will spread around the university and its surroundings. The jubilee will end in an international conference in November.

Representatives from outside the university will also be invited to plan the events of the jubilee year. The objective is to have some of the initiatives of the anniversary to live on in the future.

- The alumni are an important part of the academic community, and we want to link them closely to the jubilee, Johanna Mäenpää, coordinator of alumni events and marketing, says.

The whole programme for the jubilee year will be created by September.

Please hand in your idea for the programme by 30th May!

During spring, university members can hand in their proposals for programmes, speakers, and happenings, as well as other ideas for the jubilee year. The proposals can concern such things as the programme in the Think Corner, the main events of the year, or campus happenings.

You can also propose events that you know are coming in 2015, such as conferences, seminars and workshops, if their topics are connected with the jubilee. We are also hoping for ideas on music, exhibitions, walking tours, and new creative innovations.

You can give your proposals with the e-form until 30th May. The proposals selected for the jubilee programme will receive support for marketing and communication, the jubilee logo, and visibility in e.g. the events calendar for the year.

More details: Producer for the 375-year jubilee, Paula Arvas, 050 448 0569,

and alumni events and marketing coordinator johannaJohanna Mäenpää, 050 448 0570,

Proposals for 375-year jubilee programme (form in Finnish)

Text: Paula Arvas and Tiina Palomäki

10.02.2014 - 13:37 Marina Kurtén
10.02.2014 - 13:37 Marina Kurtén