Project Explorer

Here you select the directory and in it, project file to save your measurements.

Project Explorer

Changing current directory

Three ways for doing this:

Opening a project

Click desired project from file list; clicked project will open.

Open new project

Creating a new project

Create new project

Click into the empty text field below project file list; write the name for new project. Click AF combobox to change project type as Thellier or Thermal, if needed. Click Create New, or press enter, to create the new project into current directory. If a project with the same name exists, or project filename has errors, text field is flashed red and the project is not created.

Click Create New -button

Measuring selected project

See AF or Thellier measuring sequence. The project being measured is shown with a purple background, and just-measured with a green one.

Project list headers

Name-columnd shows the project file name (without .ika extension).
Type-column indicates project type: AF, Thellier or Thermal.
Modified-columnd holds the last modification time of the project. Any change to project's state modifies and saves the project, such as executing a measuring step or changing project information fields.

Sorting the project list

Project list can be sorted with any of the column headers (Name, Type or Modified) by clicking that header.

Exporting project(s) as DAT, TDT or SRM files

Right-click project file to export, or, shift-click, ctrl-click or drag mouse to select multiple files and right-click on the selection. Chooce desired export format and location from appearing popup menu.

If any of the first choices with no location is selected, a file- or directory-chooser dialog appears; use it to specify filename (for single file export) or directory (for multiple file export) where to export.