Interface DAMLClass

All Superinterfaces:
DAMLClassExpression, DAMLCommon, RDFNode, Resource
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DAMLClass
extends DAMLCommon, DAMLClassExpression

Java representation of a DAML ontology Class. Note that the ontology classes are not the same as Java classes: think of classifications rather than active data structures.

CVS info: $Id:,v 1.4 2002/01/06 13:30:06 ijd Exp $
Ian Dickinson, HP Labs (email)

Method Summary
 java.util.Iterator getDefinedProperties()
          Answer an iteration of the properties that may be used for instances of this class: i.e.
 java.util.Iterator getDefinedProperties(boolean closed)
          Answer an iteration of the properties that may be used for instances of this class: i.e.
 java.util.Iterator getEquivalentValues()
          Answer an iterator over all of the DAML objects that are equivalent to this class, which will be the union of daml:equivalentTo and daml:sameClassAs.
 java.util.Iterator getInstances()
          Answer an iterator over the instances of this class that currently exist in the model.
 java.util.Iterator getSameClasses()
          Answer an iterator over all of the DAML classes that are equivalent to this value under the daml:sameClassAs relation.
 java.util.Iterator getSubClasses()
          Answer an iterator over the DAML classes (or, strictly, class expressions) that mention this class as one of its super-classes.
 java.util.Iterator getSubClasses(boolean closed)
          Answer an iterator over the DAML classes (or, strictly, class expressions) that mention this class as one of its super-classes.
 java.util.Iterator getSuperClasses()
          Answer an iterator over the DAML classes (or, strictly, class expressions) that mention this class as one of its sub-classes.
 java.util.Iterator getSuperClasses(boolean closed)
          Answer an iterator over the DAML classes (or, strictly, class expressions) that mention this class as one of its sub-classes.
 boolean hasSubClass(DAMLClass cls)
          Answer true if the given class is a sub-class of this class, using information from the rdf:subClassOf or daml:subClassOf relation.
 boolean hasSuperClass(DAMLClass cls)
          Answer true if the given class is a super-class of this class, using information from the rdf:subClassOf or daml:subClassOf relation.
 PropertyAccessor prop_complementOf()
          Property accessor for the property 'compelementOf', which is one element of the range of boolean expressions over classes permitted by DAML.
 PropertyAccessor prop_disjointUnionOf()
          Property accessor for the 'disjointUnionOf' property of a class.
 PropertyAccessor prop_disjointWith()
          Property accessor for the 'disjointWith' property of a class.
 PropertyAccessor prop_intersectionOf()
          Property accessor for the property 'intersectionOf', which is one element of the range of boolean expressions over classes permitted by DAML.
 PropertyAccessor prop_oneOf()
          Property accessor for the 'oneOf' property, which defines a class expression denoting that the class is exactly one of the given list of class expressions.
 PropertyAccessor prop_sameClassAs()
          Property accessor for the 'sameClassAs' property of a class.
 PropertyAccessor prop_subClassOf()
          Property accessor for the 'subClassOf' property of a class.
 PropertyAccessor prop_unionOf()
          Property accessor for the property 'unionOf', which is one element of the range of boolean expressions over classes permitted by DAML.
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.daml.DAMLCommon
getAll, getDAMLModel, getEquivalenceSet, getNumPropertyValues, getPropertyValue, getPropertyValues, getRDFTypes, getVocabulary, hasRDFType, hasRDFType, prop_comment, prop_equivalentTo, prop_label, prop_type, remove, removeAll, removeProperty, replaceProperty, setPropertyValue, setRDFType, setRDFType
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.mesa.rdf.jena.model.Resource
abort, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, addProperty, begin, commit, equals, getId, getLocalName, getModel, getNameSpace, getProperty, getURI, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, hasProperty, isAnon, listProperties, listProperties, removeProperties, toString
Methods inherited from interface com.hp.hpl.jena.daml.DAMLClassExpression
isComplement, isDisjointUnion, isEnumeration, isIntersection, isNamedClass, isRestriction, isUnion

Method Detail


public PropertyAccessor prop_subClassOf()
Property accessor for the 'subClassOf' property of a class. This denotes a class-expression that is a super-class of this class.
Property accessor for 'onProperty'.


public PropertyAccessor prop_disjointWith()
Property accessor for the 'disjointWith' property of a class. This denotes a class-expression with which this class has no instances in common.
Property accessor for 'disjointWith'.


public PropertyAccessor prop_disjointUnionOf()
Property accessor for the 'disjointUnionOf' property of a class. This denotes a list of class expressions that are each pair-wise disjoint, and whose union describes this class.
Property accessor for 'disjointUnionOf'.


public PropertyAccessor prop_sameClassAs()
Property accessor for the 'sameClassAs' property of a class. This denotes a class-expression whose instances are the same those of this class.
Property accessor for 'sameClassAs'.


public PropertyAccessor prop_unionOf()
Property accessor for the property 'unionOf', which is one element of the range of boolean expressions over classes permitted by DAML.
property accessor for 'unionOf'.


public PropertyAccessor prop_intersectionOf()
Property accessor for the property 'intersectionOf', which is one element of the range of boolean expressions over classes permitted by DAML.
property accessor for 'intersectionOf'.


public PropertyAccessor prop_complementOf()
Property accessor for the property 'compelementOf', which is one element of the range of boolean expressions over classes permitted by DAML.
property accessor for 'complementOf'.


public PropertyAccessor prop_oneOf()
Property accessor for the 'oneOf' property, which defines a class expression denoting that the class is exactly one of the given list of class expressions.
property accessor for 'oneOf'


public java.util.Iterator getSubClasses()
Answer an iterator over the DAML classes (or, strictly, class expressions) that mention this class as one of its super-classes. Will generate the closure of the iteration over the sub-class relationship.
an iterator over this class's sub-classes. The members of the iteration will be DAMLClass objects.


public java.util.Iterator getSubClasses(boolean closed)
Answer an iterator over the DAML classes (or, strictly, class expressions) that mention this class as one of its super-classes.
closed - If true, close the iteration over the sub-class relation: i.e. return the sub-classes of the sub-classes, etc.
an iterator over this class's super-classes. The members of the iteration will be DAMLClass objects.


public java.util.Iterator getSuperClasses()
Answer an iterator over the DAML classes (or, strictly, class expressions) that mention this class as one of its sub-classes. Will generate the closure of the iteration over the super-class relationship.
an iterator over this class's super-classes. The members of the iteration will be DAMLClass objects.


public java.util.Iterator getSuperClasses(boolean closed)
Answer an iterator over the DAML classes (or, strictly, class expressions) that mention this class as one of its sub-classes.
closed - If true, close the iteration over the super-class relation: i.e. return the super-classes of the super-classes, etc.
an iterator over this class's sub-classes. The members of the iteration will be DAMLClass objects.


public java.util.Iterator getSameClasses()
Answer an iterator over all of the DAML classes that are equivalent to this value under the daml:sameClassAs relation. Note: only considers daml:sameClassAs, for general equivalence, see getEquivalentValues(). Note that the first member of the iteration is always the DAMLClass on which the method is invoked: trivially, a DAMLClass is a member of the set of DAMLClasses equivalent to itself. If the caller wants the set of classes equivalent to this one, not including itself, simply ignore the first element of the iteration.
an iterator ranging over every equivalent DAML class - each value of the iteration will be a DAMLClass object.


public java.util.Iterator getEquivalentValues()
Answer an iterator over all of the DAML objects that are equivalent to this class, which will be the union of daml:equivalentTo and daml:sameClassAs.
Specified by:
getEquivalentValues in interface DAMLCommon
an iterator ranging over every equivalent DAML class - each value of the iteration should be a DAMLClass object.


public boolean hasSubClass(DAMLClass cls)
Answer true if the given class is a sub-class of this class, using information from the rdf:subClassOf or daml:subClassOf relation.
cls - A DAMLClass object
True if this class is a super-class of the given class.


public boolean hasSuperClass(DAMLClass cls)
Answer true if the given class is a super-class of this class, using information from the rdf:subClassOf or daml:subClassOf relation.
cls - A DAMLClass object
True if this class is a sub-class of the given class.


public java.util.Iterator getInstances()
Answer an iterator over the instances of this class that currently exist in the model.
An iterator over those instances that have this class as one of the classes to which they belong
See Also:


public java.util.Iterator getDefinedProperties()
Answer an iteration of the properties that may be used for instances of this class: i.e. the properties that have this class, or one of its super-classes, as domain.
An iteration of the properties that have this class as domain


public java.util.Iterator getDefinedProperties(boolean closed)
Answer an iteration of the properties that may be used for instances of this class: i.e. the properties that have this class, or optionally one of its super-classes, as domain.
closed - If true, close the iteration over the super-classes of this class.
An iteration of the properties that have this class as domain

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